• 英全职爸爸家庭生活态度调查

    10-06-19 Modern working fathers now spend so much time at the office they consider their primary role to be 'breadwinner' rather than 'father'. 如今的职场爸爸们因过分忙于工作,竟认为自己在家中的主要任务是养家糊口,而不是做爸爸。 No say: Three quarters of fat...

  • 研究人员发现可能导致先天缺陷的基因

    10-05-31 An international group of researchers has identified the genetic cause of an inherited condition that causes severe foetal(胎儿的) abnormalities. The work, co-led by geneticists at the University of Leeds, together with colleagues from institutes...

  • 一家英国人在东巴基斯坦被射杀

    10-05-21 Three Britons - all members of the same family - have been shot dead in eastern Pakistan, according to local police. 巴基斯坦当地警方证实,三位英国人同一家庭的所有成员在东巴基斯坦地区被射杀。 The father, mother and 22-year-old daughter were killed a...

  • 形形色色的“帽子”短语

    10-05-19 to take one's hat off 以前,每当一个人做了什么值得赞扬的事,人们往往会拿下头上戴的帽子,对那个人表示敬意。现在已经没有人戴帽子,因此这种举动也不存在了。可是,这个俗语还是经常用的,表示致敬、钦佩。 例句:I sure take my hat off to my boss. I don't kno...

  • 英国人越来越喜欢在家里与客人娱乐

    10-04-24 Britons are increasingly entertaining guests at home with dinner, film and karaoke nights, inspired by television shows on cookery and home entertainment, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,受电视烹饪节目和家庭娱乐节目的影响,如今英国人越来越喜欢...

  • On her own, but not alone

    10-04-12 Marjorie Baer used to joke about her retirement plans. She wasn't married and had no kids, but she didn't intend to be aloneshe and all her single friends would move into a fictional(虚构的,小说的) home she called Casa de Biddies. Instead, Baer d...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Recognizes Justice Stevens' Lifetime

    10-04-10 This afternoon, President Obama commented on the news of Justice John Paul Stevens' retirement before he addressed the recent tragedy in West Virginia. The President recognized Justice Stevens as an impartial(公正的,公平的) guardian of the law wh...

  • 一家四口的全基因组定序突显新的基因能力

    10-03-11 The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) has analyzed the first whole genome(基因组) sequences of a human family of four. The findings of a project funded through a partnership between ISB and the University of Luxembourg was published online today...

  • Celebrating Christmas

    09-12-28 PRESIDENT: Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas. As you and your families gather to celebrate the holidays, we wanted to take a moment to send greetings from our familyfrom me, from Michelle, from Malia and Sashaand from Bo. FIRST LADY: This is our f...

  • 马特·达蒙跟本·阿弗莱克原本是一家!

    09-11-28 在好莱坞明星中,马特达蒙跟本阿弗莱克相交甚密几乎无人不晓。二人因为出演《心灵捕手》而共获奥斯卡奖,马特达蒙也表示一直觉得两人相处就像家人一样。上个月,新英格兰族谱社交团体公布的一项研究结果发现,原来两人在几百年前真的是一家人。研究人员称,他们二人均...