• 马的某些表情与人类似

    15-08-07 Horses share some surprisingly similar facial expressions to humans and chimps, according to new University of Sussex research. Mammal communication researchers have shown that, like humans, horses use muscles underlying various facial features - in...

  • 英国富豪每年花2.9万镑美容保养

    15-01-14 Britain's wealthiest are spending up to 29,000 a year on facial masks and other treatments which have precious metals and gems as ingredients, a BBC2 documentary reveals. 在英国广播公司BBC第二频道播出的纪录片中,英国顶级富豪每年花在以昂贵金属和宝石...

  • facial paralysis 面瘫

    14-08-28 A chef has created an off-the-scale chicken dish so spicy he claims it can cause ' facial paralysis '. 一名厨师发明了一种超级辣的鸡肉菜肴,他宣称这道菜会让食客辣到面瘫。 Muhammad Karim, 34, has to wear a gas mask whenever he prepares his Atomic Kick...

  • Bus look 公车表情

    14-05-08 Bus look refers to a blank facial expression (somewhat similar to a poker face) used while riding a bus. A person sustaining a bus look is often in deep thought or examining the surrounding people. Off the bus, this can be considered acting Stoic....

  • 面部识别技术日趋完善

    13-05-28 In a study that evaluated some of the latest in automatic facial recognition technology, researchers at Michigan State University were able to quickly identify one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects from law enforcement video, an experiment tha...

  • 表情模仿需要视觉反馈的支持

    12-12-29 Research using new technology shows that our ability to imitate facial expressions depends on learning that occurs through visual feedback. Studies of the chameleon(变色龙) effect confirm what salespeople, tricksters, and Lotharios have long known...

  • 面部表情因文化而异

    11-09-02 Facial expressions have been called the universal language of emotion, but people from different cultures perceive happy, sad or angry facial expressions in unique ways, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association....

  • 研究:面部特称影响成功路

    11-04-16 英国最近的一项研究显示,人的面部特征对其成功与否也有一定的影响。研究人员表示,人的面部特征不仅能影响一个人的成功之路,对其性格特征也有决定作用。 We're always told that it's what's inside that counts. But a new study reveals that facial features coul...

  • microexpression 微表情

    10-06-25 看了美剧《Lie to me》吗?那里面的Lightman集团就是通过研究人的面部表情来判断他们是否在说谎,而这个判断过程中很重要的依据就是 microexpression (微表情)。 A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one...

  • Facial expressions 'not global' 面部表情并非“全球通用”

    09-08-15 A new study suggests that people from different cultures read facial expressions differently. 一项新研究显示,不同文化背景下的人面部表情不尽相同。 Facial expressions for fear and surprise were confused by some participants East Asian participants in...