• 北京地铁或将使用面部识别技术

    18-05-21 Transportation authorities in Beijing are working on easier ways for passengers to pay for access to the citys subway system, including facial recognition technology, reports Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,北京交管部门正致力于让乘客用更简...

  • 面部识别技术用于分析学生课堂表现

    18-05-18 A high school in Hangzhou is using facial recognition technology to analyze the behavior of students in the classroom, and to keep a record of their attendance, reports Beijing News. 《新京报》报道,杭州一所高中利用面部识别技术分析课堂上学生的行为,...

  • 北京机场开始使用面部识别技术

    18-04-08 The facial recognition technology has been put into trial operation at the security screening area at Terminal 2 of the Beijing Capital International Airport, reports the Beijing News. 新京报报道,北京首都国际机场2号航站楼安检处已开始试运行面部识别...

  • 伊朗貌丑的教师将禁止进入教室

    17-08-31 Irans education department has banned ugly teachers from the classroom, including women with facial hair or those suffering from acne. 伊朗教育部门禁止貌丑的教师进入教室,包括面部有毛发的女性和患有痤疮的人。 A list of proscribed ailments, including...

  • 南方航空采用脸部识别技术

    17-06-30 China Southern Airlines became the countrys first carrier to use facial recognition, with the technology put into use Wednesday at Jiangying Airport in Nanyang City, Henan Province. 中国南方航空公司成为国内首家采用脸部识别的承运单位,本周三河南南阳...

  • 孕期喝酒会改变胎儿颅面发育

    17-06-16 Just a couple of glasses of wine during pregnancy could alter your childs facial features, a new study claims. 一项新研究称,怀孕期间只喝几杯酒也会改变胎儿的面部特征。 It has long been seen that alcohol can infect a fetus, causing developmental dela...

  • 百度运用人工智能帮助拐骗儿童回家

    17-04-13 Baidu succeeded in using artificial intelligence to reconnect a man with his family 27 years after he was abducted, the company announced Wednesday. 百度成功利用人工智能让一位男子在被拐骗27年后联系上他的家人。 Working with baobeihuijia.com, a charit...

  • 人们认为留胡须的男性更有魅力

    16-12-29 Its the latest hipster fad that forecasters predicted would be killed off in 2016. 留胡须的风潮原本被预言将在2016年过去。 But it looks like beards are here to stay for a bit longer. For more than half of the men in Glamour Magazines 100 Sexiest Men...

  • fassage 双重温泉疗法

    16-02-16 Fassage refers to a spa treatment that includes both a facial and a full-body massage. 双重温泉疗法是指既包括面部按摩,又有全身按摩的Spa疗法。 Fassage是由facial(脸部按摩)和massage(按摩)组合而成的新词。这种各取两个词中的一部分构成新词的方法叫做拼...

  • 面部特征可推算出人格特质

    15-10-18 Our strongest personality traits can be deduced simply from our facial features, scientists believe. 科学家认为,他人能够通过我们的面部特征轻易推算出我们最显著的人格特质。 Research shows those with higher IQs are usually good-looking, while those wi...