• changeless 一成不变

    22-12-13 一成不变,汉语成语,指一经形成,不再改变。亦泛指墨守成规,不知变通。可以翻译为 be set in ones ways,changeless,inflexible等。 例句: 世界没有一成不变的东西。 Nothing in the world is immutable. 他的面部表情总是一成不变。 The expression on his face n...

  • Nice one! 干得漂亮!

    22-06-21 Nice one! If someone is impressed by what youve done, they could use this expression. Its similar to good job in American English. It can also be used sarcastically. 如果一个人对你所做的事情印象深刻,就可以使用这个表达。它跟美式英语里的good job差不...

  • bugger all 什么也没有吃

    22-06-21 Bugger all if youve got bugger all for dinner, it means you have nothing. (This is an impolite expression so use it with caution) 如果你说晚餐吃个屁,那就是说你什么也没有吃。(这种表达十分不礼貌,需慎用) 例句: I worked 7 hours on that job and I go...

  • yippee 高兴和兴奋

    22-06-13 yippee an expression of happiness and excitement. This word is used mainly by children. 可以用来表达高兴和兴奋的情绪,主要是小孩子使用。 例句: My daughters face lit up with pleasure at the sight of the Christmas tree. Yippee! she cried. 一看到圣诞...

  • “后悔”的九种英语表达 下

    22-04-08 5. contrite 这个词长得像动词,不过却是个形容词,表示悔罪的;悔恨的。 a contrite apology/expression 悔恨的道歉/表情 She assumed a contrite expression. 她装出一副后悔的表情。 6. sorry 想不到吧,这个词也有后悔的含义。口语里经常会说: You will be sorry...

  • screw one's brain 使人筋疲力尽

    22-02-28 screw作动词可以形容: 1拧紧: Screw down the lid fairly tightly. 把盖子拧到很紧。 2把(脸、眼睛等)扭曲成(某表情) He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain. 他把他的脸扭曲成假痛苦状。 拧紧brain(大脑),在这里就有使人筋疲力尽的意思。...

  • 学习和“电视”有关的英语词汇

    21-10-02 家里有台电视机对于现代家庭来说已经不是什么稀罕的事。看电视节目也成为很多人生活中娱乐消遣的方式之一。你知道真人节目的正确英语说法吗?遥控器用英语怎么说?来做几道小测验题考考你对相关知识的了解程度。 1. What do we call the style of TV programme that fo...

  • cliche 陈词滥调

    21-01-11 陈词滥调,汉语成语,与陈腔滥调同义,意思是指陈腐、空泛的论调,缺乏新意的观点,含贬义,可以翻译为a trite or overused expression or idea。也可以用单词cliche表示。 例句: 我知道这听起来真是陈词滥调,但它是真实的! I know that sounds really cliche, but...

  • January feeling 一月心情

    16-02-16 January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility, particularly at the start of a new year. 一月心情是指新年伊始之际,对一切抱持乐观态度,认为所有事都充满各种可能性的心理状态。 There's another sense o...

  • 任何人都能成为新闻工作者?

    14-12-08 A new article detailing the relationship of two U.S. Supreme Court cases and how they work together to uphold freedom of expression has been published in the Georgia Law Review by William E. Lee, professor of journalism in the University of Georgia...