• 《生活大爆炸》举行200集庆祝会

    16-02-23 The Big Bang Theory celebrated its 200th episode with a birthday party at Vibiana in Los Angeles on Sunday, with the cast of the drama attending. 《生活大爆炸》上周日在洛杉矶举行200集生日庆祝会,该剧主要演员都参加了这次庆祝。 This 200th episode will...

  • 《辛普森一家》将进行现场答疑直播

    16-02-17 Popular animated TV show The Simpsons is going live. 流行电视动画节目《辛普森一家》将进行现场答疑直播。 Fox has announced an episode where Homer Simpson will take questions during a live portion of its broadcast on May 15. The installment will featu...

  • 《康熙来了》最后一期将于今晚播出

    16-01-14 The very last episode of the Taiwan comedy talk show Kangxi lai le will be aired tonight, marking the official end of its popular 12-year run. 台湾喜剧脱口秀《康熙来了》最后一期将于今晚播出,标准着这个流行了12年的节目的正式终结。 In this last episod...

  • 《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑引用秘密典故 说汉语的人才懂

    15-12-02 The BBC's Christmas special of Sherlockis to contain a secret reference viewers will have to speak Chinese to understand, the show's writer has hinted, in a nod to the show's huge Asian fanbase. 英剧《神探夏洛克》的编剧暗示称,BBC出品的《神探夏洛克...

  • 侏罗纪导演将执导《星球大战9》

    15-08-17 Jurassic World Director Colin Trevorrow is now getting ready to take on the Star Wars franchise. 《侏罗纪世界》导演科林特莱沃若将执导《星球大战》系列电影。 Disney has announced just announced that Trevorrow will direct Star Wars Episode 9, that is s...

  • 研究人员计算出神剧量化公式

    14-11-21 Researchers have calculated a formula for the perfect TV episode -- and found Downton Abbey consistently comes closest to the ideal. 研究人员计算出判定神剧的量化公式。通过数据分析,英国连续剧《唐顿庄园》全剧的表现都近乎完美,堪称神剧。 Although the...

  • 《辛普森一家》新剧嘲笑意大利是“腐败窝”

    13-12-01 Italianshave reacted with a mixture of indignation and self-criticism after an episode of The Simpsons mocked the country as a den of corruption. 《辛普森一家》新剧集嘲笑意大利是腐败窝,意大利人心情复杂,既感到愤怒,又不得不进行自我批评。 A cheating...

  • Binge viewing 狂看片

    13-02-28 Binge viewing refers to a period of excessive indulgence spent watching previously broadcast episodes of a TV show. Binge viewing指在一个时间段内将之前播过的电视节目一次看完,也就是我们口头常说的狂看片。 Binge viewing is transforming the way people...

  • 2012美剧《权力的游戏》盗版最多

    12-12-31 据美国Torrentfreak网站年度调查显示,HBO大热美剧《权力的游戏》是2012年盗版最多的剧集,其中有一集的全球非法下载量高达428万,比预计的美国观众总数还要高。 Game of Thrones has emerged as the most-pirated TV show over the internet this year, according to...

  • 英国女孩患罕见病 常昏睡不醒

    11-08-21 因患有罕见的克莱恩-李文综合症,21岁的英国女孩莉莉常常会昏睡不醒,最严重时曾经连睡两个月,成为现实版的睡美人。这一罕见病种目前没有任何治疗方法,只是有迹象显示部分患者可能会随着年龄增长而自愈。 Lily Clarke, 21, has a rare condition called Kleine-Levin...