• 北极熊在夏天需要节省小部分体能

    15-07-21 Polar bears are unlikely to physiologically compensate for extended food deprivation associated with the ongoing loss of sea ice, according to one-of-its-kind research conducted by University of Wyoming scientists and others, and published today in...

  • 可以储存大量太阳能的能量电池

    15-07-02 A University of Texas at Arlington materials science and engineering team has developed a new energy cell that can store large-scale solar energy even when it's dark. The innovation is an advancement over the most common solar energy systems that re...

  • 新型磁体在磁场中会释放热量

    15-05-21 A new class of magnets that expand their volume when placed in a magnetic field and generate negligible amounts of wasteful heat during energy harvesting, has been discovered by researchers at Temple University and the University of Maryland. The re...

  • 探索纳米世界的结构动力学

    15-04-29 A new technique for visualizing the rapidly changing electronic structures of atomic-scale materials as they twist, tumble and traipse across the nanoworld is taking shape at the California Institute of Technology. There, researchers have for the fi...

  • wantrapreneur 创想家

    15-04-24 Wantrapreneur is a pejorative slang word for a person who wants to be an entrepreneur, but has either not made the full commitment or is pursuing the endeavor in a haphazard manner. 创想家是对想当企业家,但又没有全身心投入或是以一种随随便便态度对待...

  • 科学家发现控制植物光合作用的开关

    15-04-16 A team of Michigan State University researchers has discovered a switch that regulates plant photosynthesis -- the process that lets plants store solar energy and use it to grow and produce food. Photosynthesis stores energy in two forms that are us...

  • 美国将于中国加强新能源技术合作

    15-04-15 The visiting U.S. Secretary of Commerce has pledged to deepen the country's cooperation with China on the development of new energy technologies. 正在访华的美国商务部长承诺将就新能源技术的发展问题加强与中国的合作。 Penny Pritzker made the remark dur...

  • 科学家公布首批宇宙暗物质图

    15-04-14 Scientists on the Dark Energy Survey have released the first in a series of dark matter maps of the cosmos. These maps, created with one of the world's most powerful digital cameras, are the largest contiguous maps created at this level of detail an...

  • 科学家用单元子层制作纳米级激光

    15-03-25 University of Washington scientists have built a new nanometer-sized laser -- using the thinnest semiconductor available today -- that is energy efficient, easy to build and compatible with existing electronics. Lasers play essential roles in countl...

  • 石墨烯可作为质子渗透膜

    15-03-18 Graphene, a strong, lightweight carbon honeycombed structure that's only one atom thick, holds great promise for energy research and development. Recently scientists with the Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures, and Transport (FIRST) Energy Fronti...