• 新型电解质可去除电池中的短路纤维

    15-02-25 Dendrites -- the microscopic, pin-like fibers that cause rechargeable batteries to short circuit -- create fire hazards and can limit the ability of batteries to power our smart phones and store renewable energy for a rainy day. Now a new electrolyt...

  • 电子自旋可能是高温超导的关键

    14-12-23 Cuprates are materials with great promise for achieving superconductivity at higher temperatures (-120oC). This could mean low-cost electricity without energy loss. Intense research has focused on understanding the physics of cuprates in the hope th...

  • 将农场废弃物变为能源

    14-12-18 It takes some cooking, but turning farm waste into biofuels is now possible and makes economic sense, according to preliminary research from the University of Guelph. Guelph researchers are studying how to make biofuels from farm waste, especially w...

  • 核能应为保持生物多样性发挥重要作用

    14-12-16 Leading conservation scientists from around the world have called for a substantial role for nuclear power in future energy-generating scenarios in order to mitigate climate change and protect biodiversity. In an open letter to environmentalists wit...

  • 能量饮料会给孩子身体健康带来极大风险

    14-11-21 Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks, such as Monster, Red Bull and Rock Star, potentially causing seizures, heart problems and other life-threatening conditions, according to the findings of new research. 最新研究...

  • 2030年中国将成世界上最大的石油消费国

    14-11-14 International Energy Agency(IEA) has released a report called World Energy Outlook 2014, showing that China will surpass America to become the largest oil consumer in 2030. 国际能源总署发布一份报告《2014世界能源展望》,称中国将在2030年超过美国成为世...

  • 芬兰技术研究中心展示发电新技术

    14-11-12 Research scientists at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland have demonstrated a new technique for generating electrical energy. The new method can be used in harvesting energy from mechanical vibrations of the environment and converting it into...

  • energy-saving haircut 节能发型

    14-11-06 An energy-saving haircut is a mainly short haircut that would reduce power consumption regarding hair driers or water. 节能发型是一个可以减少吹风机和水的能源消耗的短发。 The Japanese government has called on companies and households to drastically r...

  • 液氦是生成带电分子的新选择

    14-10-27 A collaboration between researchers at the Universities of Leicester and Innsbruck has developed a completely new way of forming charged molecules which offers tremendous potential for new areas of chemical research. Professor Andrew Ellis from our...

  • 平衡可再生能源的成本

    14-10-15 Increasing reliance on renewable energies is the way to achieve greater CO2 emission sustainability and energy independence. As such energies are yet only available intermittently and energy cannot be stored easily, most countries aim to combine sev...