• 新冠疫情未能阻止二氧化碳浓度上升

    21-01-05 世界气象组织( World Meteorological Organization )称,全球各国对新冠肺炎疫情危机的应对措施对大气中二氧化碳浓度持续上升的影响甚微。 One of the key qualities of carbon dioxide is its staying power. Molecules emitted by the burning of coal at the star...

  • peak carbon dioxide emissions 碳达峰

    21-01-05 中央经济工作会议明确,抓紧制定2030年前碳排放达峰行动方案,支持有条件的地方率先达峰。 China will seize time to formulate an action plan for peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030. The country will support areas with favorable conditions to peak...

  • 应对气候变化 看视频不选高清模式

    20-12-29 英国皇家学会(Royal Society)的科学家们发表的一份报告称,在线收看电视节目时,选 标清模式 可以减少碳排放量。 The report says digital technology produces up to 6% of global emissions, but the authors say there are ways to lessen the impact. 这份报告称...

  • 英国一所大学禁止售卖牛肉汉堡以“应对气候变化”

    20-11-24 英国一所大学禁止在校内售卖牛肉汉堡,以应对全球气候变暖。伦敦大学金史密斯学院将禁止在校内售卖所有牛肉类产品,并对瓶装水和一次性塑料杯征收十便士的税。 No mince, no burgers, and certainly no steak night. Beef is off the menu at Goldsmiths University in...

  • 北京设立2020环境改善目标

    18-09-18 The Beijing municipal government released a new environmental plan, in its continued bid to improve the Chinese capital citys air quality. 北京市政府公布了一份新的环境计划,将持续提高首都的空气质量。 By 2020, the city wants to have cut by 25 percent...

  • 2018北京PM2.5平均密度有所下降

    18-06-08 The average density of PM2.5 in Beijing from January to May was 58 micrograms per cubic meter, down 18.3 percent year on year, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau announced Thursday. 北京市环保局周四宣布,1月至5月北京PM2.5平均密度...

  • 烧煤不再是北京PM2.5主要原因

    18-05-15 Coal burning is no longer a major source of PM2.5 in Beijing, while car emissions have become the top cause, according to a study released by Beijings environment watchdog Monday. 北京环境监测机构周一的一份研究指出,烧煤不再是北京PM2.5的主要来源,汽...

  • 中国CO2排放减少量世界最高

    16-03-17 The International Energy Agency says China energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have seen the largest decrease in volumes, compared to other countries last year. 国际能源署表示,去年中国与能源相关的二氧化碳排放量与其它国家相比减少最高。 China's e...

  • smog fee 雾霾费

    16-03-07 Shanghai has announced plans to charge polluters for emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), introducing a new tariff that state media have called a smog fee . 上海计划向污染者征收挥发性有机物排污费,媒体也称其为雾霾费。 这里的雾霾费(smog f...

  • emissions cheating scandal 排放作弊丑闻

    16-01-29 The German car maker Audi said on Monday that a total of 2.1 million Audi cars were affected by the emissions cheating scandal . 德国汽车制造商奥迪28日承认,约210万辆奥迪品牌汽车卷入排放作弊丑闻中。 近日,德国大众深陷排放作弊丑闻(emissions cheating...