• 世卫组织针对猴痘发布最高级别公共卫生警报

    22-07-28 世界卫生组织7月23日宣布,在多个国家和地区发生的猴痘疫情已构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。这是世卫组织发布的最高级别警报。世卫组织总干事谭德塞指出,尽管目前猴痘疫情影响国际交通的风险仍然很低,但其在国际进一步传播的风险明显存在。 The monkeypox outbrea...

  • very urgent 十万火急

    22-07-22 十万火急,原是旧时文书急件中的批语,现在形容情况万分紧急,刻不容缓。可以翻译为very urgent,in great haste等。 例句: 十万火急的电报 Telegram of utmost emergency 这件事情十万火急。 This is a matter of great urgency....

  • as cool as a cucumber非常冷静,泰然自若

    20-10-13 as cool as a cucumber 和黄瓜一样酷? 乍一看真的很容易看成像黄瓜一样酷,可是黄瓜哪里酷了,小盆友,你是不是有很多问号? 其实单词cool除了有清凉的、酷的意思外,还可以指人镇定、沉着的。 所以as cool as a cucumber 的真实意思是非常冷静,泰然自若,即形容人在...

  • 《牛津词典》2019年度词汇:气候紧急状态

    19-11-26 Oxford Dictionaries has declared climate emergency the word of the year for 2019, following a hundred-fold increase in usage that it says demonstrated a greater immediacy in the way we talk about the climate. 近日,《牛津词典》公布了2019年度词汇气候...

  • 面对台风杨柳中国启动四级应急响应

    19-08-29 China activated a level-IV emergency response on Wednesday for Typhoon Podul, according to the Ministry of Emergency Management. 面对台风杨柳中国周三已启动四级应急响应。 The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters has sent three working...

  • 斯里兰卡宣布进入紧急状态

    19-04-23 Sri Lanka on Tuesday imposed a state of emergency. 斯里兰卡周二宣布进入紧急状态。 Twenty-four people have been arrested over the coordinated Easter Sunday assault on multiple churches and hotels in the capital Colombo and beyond, authorities said. T...

  • 故宫举行紧急消防演习

    19-04-18 The management of the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, held an emergency meeting on fire prevention on Tuesday. 故宫管理处周二举行一场紧急消防演习。 Most of the structures in the Palace Museum are made of wood. During the 550 years o...