• give something the thumbs up 同意赞成

    21-08-13 短语 to give something the thumbs up 竖起大拇指,意思就是赞成同意一件事情。 例句 Daisys cake was delicious Id definitely give it the thumbs up. Wait until I give the thumbs up before you send that email to head office. The boss just gave me the thum...

  • to beef something up 加强充实 改善提高

    21-06-29 To beef something up 的意思是加强,充实,从而使事物有改进、有提高。在西方文化中,牛的形象常与强壮和力量相联系,有许多体育比赛、体育俱乐部都用牛作为自己的吉祥物或队名,所以这个短语也有增强力量的意思。 例句 Mark has been going to the gym twice a day f...

  • forward an email 转发邮件

    21-04-17 不论是给你的同事 转发 重要的工作邮件,向合作伙伴 转发 正式的商务信息,还是给朋友 转发 一场演出的活动信息,你都可以用固定搭配 forward an email 来表示 把他人发来的邮件转给另一人。 在大多数邮件系统中,只要点击 forward 转发键,邮件标题就会自动以单词 for...

  • re 正式信函中的 “有关、兹就”

    21-04-17 介词 re 通常用于正式信函的正文开头或句首处,意思是 有关、关于、兹就 一件事情。它用来简单地介绍或总结这封信件的主题。另外,re 的后面也可以加上冒号,变成 re:,后接信件的主题,所表达的意思不变。 例句 Dear Mrs Lewis, Re your enquiry of 12 April Many tha...

  • typo 打错字

    21-01-31 名词 typo 是 typographical error(排印错误) 的简写,指 打字或排印文稿时出现的小错误,其中最常见的就是单词的拼写错误。与名词 typo 搭配使用的动词是 make,组成 make a typo ,意思是 打错一个字。 例句 Could you check this email for typos before I send i...

  • I hope this letter/email finds you well.

    20-10-13 I hope this letter/email finds you well. 这句话是老外写信或email时的常用开篇问候语,它的字面意思是:我希望您收到此email时一切都好! *顺便说一下句中的well可以做形容词,表示良好的、健康的、适宜的,比如All is well里面的well就是形容词做表语,整句话意思...

  • email apnea 电邮呼吸暂停

    17-09-14 Email apnea refers to the unconscious and temporary suspension of regular breathing while checking and reading email. 电邮呼吸暂停指的是在查阅邮件时出现的规律呼吸的无意识暂停。 It might sound strange, but apparently 80 percent of us have picked up t...

  • 员工频繁“邮件自荐”以赶超其他同事

    17-05-24 Showing off - or showing a colleague up - by copying management into an email thread is becoming more common, according to a study from a Cambridge scholar. 一位剑桥学者表示,通过把邮件抄送给管理人员,从而推销自己或把某位同事比下去的方式,已越来越普...

  • 关于网络安全最常见的一些误解

    17-04-10 Myth 1. Emails are always secure Fewer than half -- 46% -- of people said they know email is not always encrypted. Encryption ensures only the sender and recipient are able to access the emails. Although many email providers, such as Google and Yaho...

  • 如何使你的电子邮件真正安全

    17-01-08 In my Scientific American column this month, I opined that email never really has been a secure communications channel -- and that, in the age of suspected Russian hacking, Wikileaks, and countless other high-profile hacks, it never will be. But sup...