• 特朗普发出竞选以来首封筹款邮件

    16-06-24 With less than a month to go before the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump sent the first fundraising email of his entire campaign on Tuesday. The billionaire eccentric promised to personally match all contributions up to $2 million. 距离...

  • 英文邮件结尾用词 上

    16-04-06 Best This is the most ubiquitous; its totally safe. I recommend it highly and so do the experts. 最普遍;最安全。我和专家们都极力推荐这个。 My Best A little stilted. Etiquette consultant Lett likes it. 有点生硬。礼仪顾问莱特喜欢这个。 My best to you...

  • Email courier 电邮快递员

    16-03-30 Email courier is an individual who gets out of their chair and approaches someones desk or workstation in a work environment almost immediately after sending them an email, usually to make sure that the email has been received and that they can get...

  • 发送电子邮件也会对环境产生影响

    15-12-04 You might not realise it, but sending even a short email has an impact on the environment. 你可能没有意识到,即使是发送一封小小的邮件也会对环境产生影响。 Scientists estimate that an email adds about four grams (0.14 ounces) of carbon dioxide equival...

  • 发信息或邮件比打电话更可能带来约会

    15-09-20 A new study has found Facebook messages and emails are more likely to get you a date than a simple phone call. This contradicts previous research that claims email and text messages can lack emotion. 一项新的研究表明,与一个普通电话相比,在Facebook...

  • 现代电子邮件礼仪十条 下

    15-08-16 6. Proofread every message. Your mistakes won't go unnoticed by the recipients of your email. And, depending upon the recipient, you may be judged for making them, Pachter says. Don't rely on spell-checkers. Read and re-read your email a few times,...

  • 现代电子邮件礼仪十条 上

    15-08-16 1. Include a clear, direct subject line. Examples of a good subject line include Meeting date changed, Quick question about your presentation, or Suggestions for the proposal. People often decide whether to open an email based on the subject line, P...

  • 希拉里回应邮箱丑闻:我没什么可隐藏的

    15-03-06 Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is moving to try to head off a dispute about her use of private email while in office, insisting she has nothing to hide. 美国前国务卿希拉里克林顿正试图阻止一场关于她在位时使用私人邮箱的争议,坚持她没有什...

  • remail 追发邮件

    14-04-18 Remail is attempting to follow up on previous email messages which have gone unanswered. 追发邮件就是在发出的前一封邮件没收到回复的情况下继续给对方发邮件。 Example: Employee: Jim isn't responding to my email requests to send over the copy of contrac...

  • 美国前总统卡特认为自己受到监视

    14-03-30 Former President Jimmy Carter believes U.S. intelligence agencies are spying on him -- so much so, he eschews email to avoid government spies. 美国前总统吉米卡特认为美国情报部门在监控他,因此,他一直避免使用电子邮件。 You know, I have felt that my o...