• 电流可使磁旋流产生移动

    10-12-20 One of the requirements to keep trends in computer technology on track to be ever faster, smaller, and more energy-efficient is faster writing and processing of data. In the Dec. 17 issue of the journal Science, physicists at the Technische Universi...

  • 新方程式可促进太阳能电池材料的研究

    10-10-21 A groundbreaking new equation(方程式,等式) developed in part by researchers at the University of Michigan could do for organic semiconductors what the Shockley ideal diode(二极管) equation did for inorganic semiconductors: help to enable their...

  • 艾雅法拉火山灰中发现带电尘埃

    10-05-28 In the first peer-reviewed scientific paper to be published about the Icelandic volcano since its eruption in April 2010, UK researchers write that the ash plume(羽毛,烟羽) which hovered over(盘旋) Scotland carried a significant and self-renewi...

  • 尼桑桑德兰分厂将生产电动轿车Leaf

    10-03-18 Nissan is to build its new electric car at its Sunderland plant, the Japanese company has announced. 日本尼桑宣布,将在英国桑德兰的工厂生产新式电动轿车。 Nissan produces about a third of the cars made in the UK Production of the Leaf, which runs ent...

  • 底特律车展 电气车辆成主流

    10-01-11 The first Detroit motor show after US carmakers General Motors and Chrysler emerged from bankruptcy opens later. 美国汽车制造商通用和克莱斯勒从破产中显露出来之后,举办的第一个车展不久将在底特律开幕。 Detroit wants an electric auto industry The event...

  • F1设计师设计电动汽车

    09-11-06 An electric car created by ex-McLaren Formula One designer Gordon Murray has been unveiled. 麦克拉伦一级方程式赛车的设计者Gordon Murray设计的电动汽车发布。 Science and Innovation Minister Lord Drayson test drives the T.27 Three prototypes(原型) of...

  • Creating Jobs,Saving Energy

    09-10-31 Standing amongst thousands of black-and-white solar panels(太阳能电池板), President Obama today discussed an exciting new chapter in the quest for clean and renewable energy: a $3.4 billion investment of Recovery Act funds to modernize the electri...

  • Switches and Fuses 开关和保险丝

    09-10-28 An electric switch is often on a wall near the door of a room. Two wires lead to the lamp in the room. The switch is fixed in one of them. The switch can cause a break in this wire, and then the light goes. The switch can also join the two parts of...

  • Final Potter shoot is 'electric' 哈利波特拍摄现场“电子化”

    09-09-26 Stars of the Harry Potter films have spoken of the electric atmosphere on set, as filming for the final two instalments takes place. 电影哈利波特的演员谈起了拍片现场的电子氛围,该片最后两组镜头正在拍摄中。 The Potter stars were mobbed by fans on the...

  • Nissan rolls out new electric car 尼桑发布第一款电动汽车

    09-08-03 Japanese carmaker Nissan has unveiled its first electric car, taking it closer to its aim to become the first car firm to mass produce the vehicles. 日本汽车生产商尼桑公开旗下第一款电动汽车,向汽车大量制造商的目标买近了一步。 Nissan sees high potent...