• 教育部新成立校外教育培训监管司

    21-06-16 The Ministry of Education on Tuesday established a new department to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools, aiming to reduce students excessive academic burden. 6月15日,教育部新成立校外教育培训监管司,旨在为学生减负。 教育部官网的信息显示,校外...

  • 英国:社会科学类专业比较吃香

    21-06-09 Respecting the UK, data from the British Higher Education Statistics Agency illustrate that Business Administrative studies are the most popular subjects (342,970). 英国高等教育统计局的数据表明,商务和行政管理是英国最热门的专业(34万2970个学位)。 S...

  • 探索人体奥秘的专业在美国很受欢迎

    21-06-09 Business and Management are the most popular subjects in the US (289,384 degrees). 商务管理是美国最热门的专业(28万9384个学位)。 Health-related programs such as Nursing are next in line (141,632 degrees). Psychology and Biological and Biomedical Sc...

  • 中国最受欢迎的10个专业有7个是理工科

    21-06-09 According to China University Alumni Association, among those who score well enough in Chinas highly competitive exam system to get into university, 19.39% choose to study Economics and 19.06% select Business Management, which means business managem...

  • college application 填报志愿

    21-06-01 college application 填报志愿 I want to help those who are not familiar with the college application process. 我想要帮助那些对填报志愿不太熟悉的人。 independent enrollment 自主招生 From 2006, five majors of our college including software technology h...

  • private education 民办教育

    21-05-19 教育部5月17日召开新闻发布会,介绍《民办教育促进法实施条例》有关情况。数据显示,2020年,全国共有民办学校18.67万所,占全国各级各类学校总数的比例超过1/3;在校生5564余万人,占比接近1/5。 China has 186,700 private schools as of 2020, accounting for more...

  • see no further than one's nose 鼠目寸光

    21-05-14 鼠目寸光,汉语成语,字面意思是老鼠的目光只有一寸之远(A mouse can see only an inch ahead)。形容目光短浅,没有远见。可以翻译为short-sighted,与英文习语see no further than ones nose意思相近,表示lack the ability to foresee problems, issues; to be nar...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 39

    21-05-07 Could Sir Thomas have seen all his nieces feelings, when she wrote her first letter to her aunt, he would not have despaired; for though a good nights rest, a pleasant morning, the hope of soon seeing William again, and the comparatively quiet state...

  • modern vocational education system 现代职业教育体系

    21-04-17 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对职业教育工作作出重要指示,强调加快构建现代职业教育体系,培养更多高素质技术技能人才、能工巧匠、大国工匠。 President Xi Jinping has called for efforts to speed up the development of the modern vocation...

  • 新时代人民军队思想政治教育体系

    21-04-09 经中央军委主席习近平批准,中央军委日前印发《关于构建新时代人民军队思想政治教育体系的意见》。《意见》着眼加强党对军队的思想政治领导,明确了构建新时代人民军队思想政治教育体系的方向引领、根本任务、实践落点、关键支撑、方法路径、重要保证。 The Central Mi...