• 假设:地外生物正在搜寻生命 我们却没有发现

    16-03-02 As scientists step up their search for other life in the universe, two astrophysicists are proposing a way to make sure we don't miss the signal if extraterrestrial observers try to contact us first. Ren Heller and Ralph Pudritz say the best chance...

  • Lights

    16-02-16 Lights Mark Irwin swimming the earth at dusk and prickling the distance of the near town. In the jigsaw puzzle of the falls I could feel a fine mist. Driving I think of it now -- snapping those last pieces in -- and how history makes things small. T...

  • 科学家首次发现引力波

    16-02-13 The case was the first announced recording of space-time oscillations -- gravitational waves, reaching the Earth after a catastrophe that happened far in the Universe. That confirms a significant prediction made in the special theory of relativity m...

  • 黑洞影响银河气候

    16-01-06 A team of researchers led by Eric Schlegel, Vaughn Family Endowed Professor in Physics at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), has discovered a powerful galactic blast produced by a giant black hole about 26 million light years from Earth....

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 10-TAMES GOATS

    15-12-09 I CANNOT say that after this, for five years, any extraordinary thing happened to me, but I lived on in the same course, in the same posture and place, as before; the chief things I was employed in, besides my yearly labour of planting my barley and...

  • 科学家首次观测到行星形成过程

    15-11-20 An international team of scientists in Australia and the United States has captured the first-ever images of a planet in the making. The accumulation of dust and gas particles onto a new planet - the process by which the planet continues to form and...

  • 药物在太空中似乎不会加速降解

    15-11-19 The results of an opportunistic, pilot-scale study led by Virginia Wotring of the Center for Space Medicine and Department of Pharmacology at Baylor College of Medicine in the U.S. suggest that medication degradation on the International Space Stati...

  • 钻石没有想象中那么稀有

    15-11-04 Diamonds may not be as rare as once believed, but this finding in a new Johns Hopkins University research report won't mean deep discounts at local jewelry stores. Diamond formation in the deep Earth, the very deep Earth, may be a more common proces...

  • 2015可能是近4000年最热的夏天

    15-11-01 Are you still wearing shorts and T-shirts? If you say yes, there's a good reason. 你现在还穿着T恤和短裤吗?如果是,倒也不奇怪。 Planet Earth has definitely experienced its hottest summer since detailed records have been kept, and according to scient...

  • 鱼类、海鸟、大型动物的消逝扰乱地球营养素循环

    15-10-28 A new study reveals that in the past large land animals, whales, seabirds and fish played a vital role in recycling nutrients from the ocean depths, spreading them far and wide across the globe and taking them deep inland. However, the paper says ma...