• 2.5亿年前的物种大灭绝由细菌引起

    14-04-02 Evidence left at the crime scene is abundant and global: Fossil remains show that sometime around 252 million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass extincti...

  • 本世纪地球气候将持续变暖

    14-03-13 A new NASA study shows Earth's climate likely will continue to warm during this century on track with previous estimates, despite the recent slowdown in the rate of global warming. This research hinges on a new and more detailed calculation of the s...

  • 地球在宇宙中的位置图

    14-03-12 We live in a galaxy known as the Milky Way -- a vast conglomeration(聚集,团块) of 300 billion stars, planets whizzing around them, and clouds of gas and dust floating in between. Though it has long been known that the Milky Way and its orbiting c...

  • 地球磁泡对金星空间气象的影响

    14-02-24 Researchers recently discovered that a common space weather phenomenon on the outskirts of Earth's magnetic bubble, the magnetosphere(磁气圈) , has much larger repercussions(反响,影响) for Venus. The giant explosions, called hot flow anomalies...

  • The Creation of the World

    14-02-24 In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth, the earth was without form and void(空的) , with darkness over the face of the abyss(深渊) , and a mighty wind that swept over the surface of the waters. God said, 'Let there be light...

  • 盘古开天

    14-02-14 The sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity like an egg. Pangu was born into it. The separation of the sky and the earth took eighteen thousand years-the yang which was light and pure rose to become the sky, and the yin which was heavy an...

  • Let Goldfinches Fly Out of Yellow

    14-02-13 Let Goldfinches Fly Out of Yellow Meredith Stricker wild mustard let the sun rotate as though seeming to circle the earth let rain fall into storm culverts(暗沟) and the blue dragonfly swerve(转弯,背离) out of blue sky begin to count the beats...

  • 古代的甲烷生成菌已可以进行光合作用

    14-02-08 An international team of researchers led by scientists at Virginia Tech and the University of California, Berkeley has discovered that a process that turns on photosynthesis(光合作用) in plants likely developed on Earth in ancient microbes 2.5 bil...

  • 原始森林使地球CO2与气候保持稳定

    14-01-24 UK researchers have identified a biological mechanism that could explain how the Earth's atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate were stabilised over the past 24 million years. When CO2 levels became too low for plants to grow properly, forests appea...

  • 科学家发现神秘行星与地球质量相同

    14-01-10 Scientists believe one in five stars in our galaxy have Earth-like planets orbiting them. 科学家发现在距离地球200光年的地方有一颗与地球质量相同的神秘行星。 Earth's gassy twin as been discovered in another solar system 200 light years away. But the u...