• 地球水量比太阳系其它星球少得可怜

    16-10-28 The next time someone asks you where the biggest ocean is, point them toward Jupiter. While Earth harbours about 320 million cubic miles (1,333 cubic km) of water, our planet is practically a desert compared to the rest of the Solar System. 下回有人...

  • 小王子 Chapter 17

    16-08-18 When one wishes to play the wit, he sometimes wanders a little from the truth. I have not been altogether honest in what I have told you about the lamplighters. And I realize that I run the risk of giving a false idea of our planet to those who do n...

  • 小王子 Chapter 16

    16-08-18 So then the seventh planet was the Earth. The Earth is not just an ordinary planet! One can count, there 111 kings (not forgetting, to be sure, the Negro kings among them), 7000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7,500,000 tipplers, 311,000,000 conce...

  • active seismic period 地震活跃期

    16-05-25 Seismologists are now suggesting the Earth has entered an active seismic period . 有地震学家表明,地球已经进入了地震活跃期。 地震活跃期(active seismic period)是指地震活动(seismic activity)相对频繁和强烈的时期。地震活跃期是相对地震平静期(quiet s...

  • 5项便于人们实践的地球日活动

    16-04-24 1. Leave your cars at home Cars, being the greatest source of air pollution, can be left at home this weekend. Travelling via public transport is the better option. Other greener options are carpooling, riding a bike or you can also walk if you want...

  • 古代的板块运动是冰河时期的诱因

    16-04-20 For hundreds of millions of years, Earths climate has remained on a fairly even keel, with some dramatic exceptions: Around 80 million years ago, the planets temperature plummeted, along with carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The Earth eventu...

  • 磁场对地球上生命的出现有重要作用

    16-03-17 Nearly four billion years ago, life arose on Earth. Life appeared because our planet had a rocky surface, liquid water, and a blanketing atmosphere. But life thrived thanks to another necessary ingredient: the presence of a protective magnetic field...

  • 印尼出现罕见日全食

    16-03-09 A rare total solar eclipse has taken place over parts of Indonesia, as well as parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans this morning. 今天上午,印度尼西亚、印度以及太平洋部分地区发生了一起罕见的日全食。 The moon began to move between the Earth and sun...

  • 板块分裂时断层控制着海水流量

    16-03-08 New light has been shed on the processes by which ocean water enters the solid Earth during continental breakup. Research led by geoscientists at the University of Southampton, and published in Nature Geoscience this week, is the first to show a dir...

  • 中国将发射数据中继卫星探测月球阴暗面

    16-03-02 Chinese space authorities have announced plans to launch a data relay satellite to help with their plans to explore the dark side of moon. 中国航天部门宣布,计划发射一颗数据中继卫星用来探测月球的阴暗面。 The satellite will allow communication betwee...