• Water Table

    13-09-06 Water Table Eliza Griswold My earliest wish was not to exist, to burst in the backyard without violence, no blood, no fleshy bits, mute button pressed alone behind the rectory where no one would see me. This wasn't a plea to be found or mourned for,...

  • The Young Giant

    13-09-05 Once on a time a countryman had a son who was as big as a thumb, and did not become any bigger, and during several years did not grow one hair's breadth. Once when the father was going out to plough, the little one said, Father, I will go out with y...

  • 地球生命可能来自火星

    13-08-29 Life may have started on Mars before arriving on Earth, a major scientific conference has heard. 某学术讨论会上传出消息,生命体到达地球之前已经在火星上出现。 New research supports an idea that the Red Planet was a better place to kick-start biology...

  • 8月20日:地球生态超载日

    13-08-25 8月20日,是今年的地球生态超载日,也就是说,我们已经用光了这一年地球能够提供给我们的各类自然资源,人类在余下几个月使用的资源都是在透支下一年的生态预算。提出这一概念的全球生态足迹网络表示,目前,人类需要1.5个地球提供的资源才能存活发展;而到本世纪中叶...

  • 地球运行轨道变化引发冰河时代

    13-08-15 For more than a century scientists have known that Earth's ice ages are caused by the wobbling(摆动,颤抖) of the planet's orbit, which changes its orientation to the sun and affects the amount of sunlight reaching higher latitudes, particularly t...

  • 探索地幔中的热传导

    13-08-10 The key to understanding Earth's evolution is to look at how heat is conducted in the deep lower mantle -- a region some 400 to 1,800 miles (660 to 2,900 kilometers) below the surface. Researchers at the Carnegie Institution, with colleagues at the...

  • 哈勃望远镜发现一颗蓝色行星

    13-07-12 Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have deduced(推理) the actual visible-light color of a planet orbiting another star 63 light-years away. If seen directly it would look like a deep blue dot, reminiscent of(令人回忆起) Earth's colo...

  • 地球上的最后生物将是微生物

    13-07-05 The last surviving creatures on Earth will be tiny organisms living deep underground, according to scientists. 科学家认为,地球上最后生存的生物将是生活在地下深处的微生物,因为随着太阳变得越来越热,越来越亮,只有细菌才能在这种极端条件下苟延残喘。 Res...

  • 6月20日太阳爆发过日冕物质抛射

    13-06-24 On June 20, 2013, at 11:24 p.m., the sun erupted with an Earth-directed coronal(冠状的) mass ejection or CME, a solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of particles into space that can reach Earth one to three days later. These particles c...

  • 40亿年前火星上富含氧气

    13-06-20 Differences between Martian meteorites(陨石) and rocks examined by a NASA rover can be explained if Mars had an oxygen-rich atmosphere 4000 million years ago -- well before the rise of atmospheric oxygen on Earth 2500m years ago. Scientists from O...