• 单词stick如何使用

    23-01-29 1 可数名词 stick 的意思是 枝条,棍子,条状、棍状物。 Did you see my walking stick? Hold the stick tightly when you eat your lollipop. Dont drop it. 2 动词 stick 可以表示 固定住,粘住。 You need some glue to stick that on. Get some tape to stick them...

  • 《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》精彩片段对白

    22-12-26 Carina: Mutiny? You had to suggest a mutiny? Henry: Carina, the dead are coming. Carina: Well, I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense. Henry: Do you not see whats behind us? (SEAGULLS CAWING) Salazars crew member: Drop them. Drop them. (FL...

  • decolonize 非殖民化

    22-10-12 今年早些时候,剑桥大学学生会的妇女主任Lola Olufemi向英语系教职员工发出一封公开信,督促他们在教授后殖民文学课程时能引入更多非白人作者的作品,并以此decolonise the curriculum / 非殖民化该课程。 这份建议书经由数百位Olufemi的同事和研究生联名签署。上周,...

  • 让别人住口

    22-08-15 1. No more excuses! 别再找借口了! 2. Dont say another word, please. 求你别再说了。 3. Just drop it. 不要再说了。 4. Cut it out. 省省吧,住嘴! 5. Are you finished? 你说完了吗?(有木有感受到一种分分钟想要砍死对方的气场?) 6. Ive heard enough of yo...

  • Drop me off. 放我下车。

    22-07-25 Drop me off. 放我下车。 【影视实例】《24小时》 Behrooz: He tried to kill me, and then he did this to you. Hes not my father anymore. Mom, please. Dina: All right. Drop me off at an emergency room, but then youll have to drive away. 适用情况:表述自...

  • 滚开!

    22-06-09 1. drop dead Just drop dead! 给我死开! 此外,drop-dead可作副词,形容某人美得或者帅得不要不要的: Hes drop-dead gorgeous! 他简直帅呆了! 2. Beat it! 滚开! 3. go away Go away and leave me alone! 走开,别烦我! 4. fuck off Just fuck off and leave me...

  • a drop in the ocean 九牛一毛

    22-01-22 九牛一毛,汉语成语,字面意思是九头牛身上的一根毛(a single hair out of nine ox hides),比喻渺...

  • drop the ball 掉链子

    21-11-19 骑车兜风是一种美好的享受,但一旦在骑行的时候遇到链条脱落,失去传动力,就不那么美好了。 掉链子([of a bicycle chain] come off),本意是指自行车的一种常见故障,现在比喻把一件事情搞砸了,或重要时刻出错,与英文习语drop the ball意思相近。 中国人常说的关...