• 美国两岁女童定期日光浴造古铜色皮肤

    12-06-09 美国密歇根州一名26岁的女子每月都要带两岁的女儿做喷雾日光浴好让她的皮肤变成古铜色,然后再带她参加各类选美比赛。 Savanna Jackson entered her first contest at just 10-months-old and now undergoes monthly tanning sessions. A mother has defended her deci...

  • 美国某女子因衣着火辣被辞退

    12-05-26 美国新泽西州一名女子因胸部过于丰满、衣着过于火辣而被其男性雇主辞退,她于日前向美国公平就业机会委员会提出投诉。 Lauren Odes, left, and her attorney Gloria Allred hold a press conference at the Omni Hotel in New York, Monday May 21, 2012. A New Jersey...

  • 穿着性感的小女孩不太招人喜欢

    12-03-31 Preteen girls who dress in sexualized clothing are judged as less competent and less moral than kids in age-appropriate garb, new research finds. 新研究发现,那些穿性感衣服的十三岁以下的小女孩被认为在能力和品德上都不如那些穿适合自己年龄衣服的小孩。...

  • Little black dress 小礼服

    12-03-22 A little black dress is dress typically short on both top and bottom, with little decoration, and useful for nearly any occasion. It is minimal to call attention to the wearer without distracting. Little black dress(多译作小礼服)指上下裁剪都较短的...

  • 未来50年 领带在职场可能被淘汰

    12-03-10 The necktie looks set to follow the top hat in being consigned to the fashion museum by office workers within the next 50 years, according to research. 调查显示,在未来50年内,领带将可能被职场白领淘汰,和礼帽一样被放逐到服饰博物馆去。 Nearly three-q...

  • 英国设计师制作“头发婚纱” 欲请Lady Gaga试穿

    11-11-19 英国知名婚纱设计师特尔玛马蒂恩利用长达250米的真发发片制作了一件独一无二的头发婚纱。它由马蒂恩和8名发型师耗时12天合作完成,价值约为5万英镑(约合50万元人民币)。 Thelma Madine, who is the dress maker on My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, has created a wedding...

  • So Would I 我也是

    11-08-30 A fat lady walked into the dress shop. I'd like to see a dress that would fit me, she told the clerk. So would I, said the tactless clerk. 一个胖女人走进服装店。我想看一件适合我穿的衣服,她告诉店员说。 我也是。不太老练的店员说道。...

  • I Had to Change It Twice 不得不换两次

    11-08-18 Judge: I don't understand why you broke into the same store three nights in a row. Prisoner: Well, Your Honor, I picked out a dress for my wife, and I had to change it twice because she didn't like the style. 法官:我真不明白你为什么连续三天夜里闯入...

  • 日本设计师发明超轻透明气球礼服

    11-08-14 日本设计师细贝里枝最近用200个气球打造出了一件超轻透明的气球礼服,售价超过一千美元,打破了人们惯有的气球廉价观念。 The crystal-clear creation is the latest in balloon couture from balloon artist Rie Hosokai, who has won international prizes at Belgiu...

  • 梦露经典“地铁裙”552万美元被拍卖

    11-06-25 An auction of actress Debbie Reynolds' Hollywood memorabilia earned $22.8 million over the weekend and included the record-breaking sale of Marilyn Monroe's iconic subway dress from 1955 movie The Seven Year Itch, organizers said on Monday. 拍卖会主...