• 赞美外表

    22-01-07 May I be so bold as to compliment your + (dress / hair / outfit / etc.)? 我可以大胆地赞美你的+(衣服/头发/套装等)吗? You are looking beautiful / handsome today. 你今天看起来很漂亮。 May I pay you a compliment? You really look beautiful / handsome...

  • dress same 撞衫

    21-11-15 为参加朋友的聚会,精心打扮了一番,到了现场却发现和主人撞衫了。这样尴尬的场景在日常生活中并不少见。 撞衫一词实际上来自英文,与dress same读音相近,指两个或以上人数,尤其是明星出席同一场合时,穿着相同或相近的衣服(wear either identical outfits or simil...

  • Bob's your uncle. 就这么简单!

    21-11-12 Bobs your uncle 什么意思? 就这么简单! its as simple as that ! Bobs your uncle是一句很有名的British slang(英国俚语)。 相传英国历史上有一位保守党首相叫做Rober Cecil(Robert的昵称就是Bob,不要问为什么,老外都是这么叫哒~),在他任职期间,多次安排他自...

  • dressed like a dog's dinner 穿得花里胡哨不得体

    21-09-10 形容一个人穿着打扮像狗餐 dressed like a dogs dinner, 意思就是此人穿得花里胡哨不得体,过于耀眼。有明显的负面意思,要注意! 例句 The dress code was smart/casual, but Linda came wearing a full-length ball gown! She was dressed like a dogs dinner! My mu...

  • That's a steal. 便宜货,廉价的东西

    21-09-07 一提起steal大家想到的就是偷,但是这个英语单词作名词用的时候,可以表示便宜货,廉价的东西。 比如: This shirt is only 10 yuan, thats a steal. 这个衬衫只要10元,真便宜。 我们再来看一段对话: A: Do you like my dress? 你喜欢我的连衣裙吗? B: Its beautiful...

  • bear with me 耐心的等

    21-09-03 如果你想让某人耐心的等你做一件事情,你可以说 bear with me. 例句 Bear with me. Im on the phone right now and I will be with you shortly. If you could just bear with me for a moment I will find the address of my dentist to give you. I am sure I wrote...

  • as cheap as chips 非常廉价

    21-08-30 如果我们说某物 as cheap as chips 和薯条一样便宜,那意思就是此物非常廉价。 例句 People keep asking my mother which designer created her beautiful party dress. In fact she bought it at a street market. It was as cheap as chips. Mobile phones used to b...

  • to scrape the barrel 滥竽充数

    21-08-26 To scrape the barrel 意思是在没有更好选择的情况下处于无奈只能滥竽充数,将就凑合。 例句 You chose Mark to represent us at the meeting? Thats really scraping the barrel. A: What are you wearing to the wedding? B: The same dress as last time. I know Im...

  • gild the lily 画蛇添足

    21-07-05 画蛇添足,汉语成语,意思是画蛇时给蛇添上脚(paint a snake with feet),后比喻无中生有,多此一举。可以翻译为be completely superfluous,与英文俗语gild the lily意思相近,表示to add unnecessary ornamentation to something beautiful in its own right。 例...

  • 12条职场建议助你顺利渡过入职焦虑期

    21-04-08 1. Get the facts. 了解必知事项 Its absolutely fine to ask questions ahead of time. Depending on your organization, you can ask the Human Resources representative or your supervisor any questions. If youre not sure who to ask, check with the person w...