• 都市生活可使人体对肺结核产生免疫性

    10-09-24 New research has found that a genetic variant which reduces the chance of contracting diseases such as tuberculosis(肺结核) and leprosy(麻风病) is more prevalent in populations with long histories of urban living. The research, published in the...

  • 威尔士科学家克隆出一种人体病毒

    10-09-14 A team of Welsh scientists have successfully cloned a human virus offering new hope for the treatment of potentially life-threatening diseases. Human cytomegalovirus(巨细胞病毒) (HCMV) is a major infectious cause of congenital malformations(先天...

  • 地域性差异也可以影响肝脏移植手术

    10-08-20 A recent study by researchers at Penn State College of Medicine found significant racial disparities(不同,不一致) in the age of systemic lupus(狼疮,天狼星) erythematosus(全身性红斑狼疮) (SLE) patients at the time of hospital admission for ca...

  • 巴基斯坦洪灾殃及400万人

    10-08-06 The worst flooding in Pakistan's history has now affected more than four million people and left at least 1,600 dead, says the UN. 联合国称,巴基斯坦历史上破坏性最大的洪水已使400多万人受灾、至少1600人死亡。 While floods in the north-west began to re...

  • 科学家解开蝙蝠传播狂犬病之谜

    10-08-06 Most infectious diseases infect multiple host species, but to date, efforts to quantify the frequency and outcome of cross-species transmission (CST) of these diseases have been severely limited. This lack of information represents a major gap in kn...

  • 研究人员发现身体产生红细胞的关键步骤

    10-08-02 Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have uncovered a key step in the creation of new red blood cells in an animal study. They found that a tiny fragment of ribonucleic acid ( RNA核糖核酸 ), a chemical cousin of DNA, prompts stem cells to m...

  • 科学家发现控制血管细胞生长的方法

    10-08-02 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have identified a new way to regulate the uncontrolled growth of blood vessels(血管) , a major problem in a broad range of diseases and conditions. The findings are publishe...

  • 某关键性蛋白质可有助于DNA修复

    10-04-12 Scientists have shown in multiple contexts that DNA damage over our lifetimes is a key mechanism behind the development of cancer and other age-related diseases. Not everyone gets these diseases, because the body has multiple mechanisms for repairin...

  • 新方法有助科学家检测基因活化

    10-04-09 NYU Langone Medical Center researchers have developed a powerful new method to investigate the discrete(离散的,不连续的) steps necessary to turn on individual genes and examine how the process goes wrong in cancer and other diseases. The finding,...

  • 调查:人类逐代变肥胖

    10-04-08 It was a provocative(刺激的,挑拨的) prediction that due to the obesity epidemic Baby Boomers(婴儿潮一代) may outlive(比活得长) their children. But a new study by the University of Michigan Health System on obesity trends shows Americans are g...