• 干细胞疗法距治疗遗传疾病的目标更近一步

    15-07-16 Healthy brain, muscle, eye and heart cells would improve the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world with debilitating mitochondrial diseases. Now, researchers at the Salk Institute have gotten one step closer to making such cures a re...

  • 一种独特的诊断试验可以快速检测传染病

    15-07-07 Infectious diseases such as hepatitis C and some of the world's deadliest superbugs--C. difficile and MRSA among them--could soon be detected much earlier by a unique diagnostic test, designed to easily and quickly identify dangerous pathogens. Rese...

  • 大堡礁海洋保护区可以阻止珊瑚疾病的传播

    15-06-04 A new and significant role for marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef has been revealed, with researchers finding the reserves reduce the prevalence of coral diseases. It's been known for some time that marine reserves are important for maintaini...

  • 利用卫星追踪致命寄生虫的传播

    15-02-16 Scientists are teaming up to use satellite data to target deadly parasites to help predict patterns of parasitic diseases such as malaria, worms and hydatids. Project leader Professor Archie Clements, from The Australian National University, said th...

  • 家养蜜蜂的某些疾病已扩散于野生蜂类

    14-02-23 Diseases that are common in managed honeybee colonies are now widespread in the UK's wild bumblebees, according to research published in Nature. The study suggests that some diseases are being driven into wild bumblebee populations from managed hone...

  • 某抗氧化药物可抑制鼠类多发性硬化

    13-12-30 Researchers at Oregon Health Science University have discovered that an antioxidant designed by scientists more than a dozen years ago to fight damage within human cells significantly helps symptoms in mice that have a multiple sclerosis-like diseas...

  • 美国发布治疗血胆固醇新的临床实践指南

    13-11-13 The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association today released a new clinical practice guideline for the treatment of blood cholesterol(胆固醇) in people at high risk for cardiovascular diseases caused by atherosclerosis(动...

  • 对神经细胞的过度修整易引发疾病

    13-10-11 Scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital-The Neuro, McGill University, have made important discoveries about a cellular process that occurs during normal brain development and may play an important role in neurodegenerative(神...

  • 英国卫生署提醒美容行业注意卫生问题

    13-09-29 The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence says growing numbers of people are injecting tanning agents, dermal fillers and Botox at home and in salons, and some are lax about hygiene. 英国国家卫生医疗质量标准署称,如今,越来越多的人在家或...

  • 细胞内复杂的调控机制

    13-09-23 Molecular microbiologists at the University of Southern California (USC) have uncovered intricate(复杂的) regulatory mechanisms within the cell that could lead to novel therapeutics for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Their findings, w...