• 高温影响蚊子的繁殖

    22-08-29 南方的朋友或许会发现,今年夏天的蚊子少了很多。越挠越痒的蚊子包,惹人心烦的嗡嗡声出现的频率都不及往年。早早准备好的蚊香和花露水似乎少了很多用武之地。有人不免发出疑惑:难道......连蚊子都要被热死了? 没错,但不是蚊子本蚊被热死,而是蚊子的孩子被热死了!...

  • occupational disease 职业病

    17-04-23 Those suffering from occupational diseases will receive more welfare benefits following a newly issued plan urging local governments and companies to strengthen preventive measures. 新发布的规划要求当地政府和企业加强职业病防护措施,职业病患者将得到...

  • 人类细胞基因编辑或将变为现实

    17-02-25 Scientists want to be able to genetically engineer humans so that they do not get diseases. 科学家们希望能够改造人类基因从而使他们免于病痛。 That is the conclusion of a new report from two of the worlds most elite scientific institutions, which call...