09-11-21 美国加利福尼亚州公共卫生研究人员近期的研究发现,各年龄段人群都有可能受到甲流侵害,而肥胖人群感染甲流后,病情恶化的可能性更高。在研究中,他们的确发现感染甲流的人群比患普通季节性流感的人群年龄要偏低,但同时也发现重症感染患者的年龄分布并不仅限于年轻人...
09-11-18 Brain imaging can offer a window into risk for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). A study conducted at the University of Kansas School of Medicine demonstrated that genetic risk is expressed in the brains of even those who are healthy, but c...
09-10-30 At its most benign(良性的), the autoimmune disease(自身免疫病) scleroderma(硬皮病) can discolor parts of the skin of its sufferers. At its most pernicious(有害的,致命的), it can thicken and harden their skin, their blood vessels(血管), an...
09-10-23 Low doses of radiation can cause cardiovascular disease, according to work carried out by mathematicians at Imperial College. 帝国理工学院的数学家通过研究发现,低剂量的辐射即可导致心血管疾??Survivors of the atomic bomb attack in Japan have shown h...
09-09-07 Two potentially key genes linked to the development of Alzheimer's disease have been uncovered by UK researchers. 英国研究人员发现与阿尔茨海默氏病发展有联系的两个潜在关键基因。 The number of people with Alzheimer's disease is set to grow It is the f...
09-08-26 Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system. 科学家展示了可以导致热带地区疾病黑热病的食肉寄生虫如何骗过免疫系统。 The parasites are carried by the Sand fly Th...
09-08-20 Cases of primary liver cancer, an often preventable disease, have trebled in the last 30 years, figures suggest. 数据显示,原发性肝癌--一种可以预防的疾病,患病人数在过去30年间翻了三倍。 While it is not uncommon for cancer to spread to the liver, Can...
09-07-27 High blood pressure is picked up less often in people who smoke, despite them being at higher risk of heart disease, research suggests. 研究建议,抽烟的人患高血压的几率较小,尽管他们患心脏病的危险很大。 High blood pressure increases heart attack and...
09-07-24 A high intake of polyunsaturated fat in the diet, while good for the heart, may lead to inflammatory bowel disease, say researchers. 研究人员称,饮食中多不饱和脂肪的大量摄入有利于心脏,但却可能导致肠道疾??Some margarines contain linoleic acid Expe...
09-07-22 Researchers have developed an add-on to a mobile phone that can take detailed images and analyse them to diagnose diseases such as tuberculosis. 研究人员已经研究出一个移动电话的附加装置,可以检测和分析诸如肺结核等疾??The prototype of the device Th...