• 听书比看书更好吗

    22-07-22 一般来说,任何一种阅读方式都会同时用到大脑的几个区域。读纸质书可以帮助你更好地记住信息,听有声读物可能会帮助你在听到叙述者的情绪时培养同理心。 Picture yourself sitting at home in a quiet reading nook, ignoring the world around you, engrossed in a ta...

  • 与手机有关的常用词汇

    21-10-02 手机已是现代生活中非常普及的一种大众通讯工具,移动通讯技术也彻底地改变了我们的沟通和交流方式。5月17日是世界电信和信息社会日。与手机或移动技术有关的常用词汇你掌握了吗? 1. How can you describe a piece of technology that is designed to be carried with...

  • 欧盟将强制电子设备使用USB-C充电接口

    21-09-26 据外媒报道,欧盟委员会正式提出一项议案,将USB-C作为智能手机、平板电脑、耳机、便携式音箱、摄像头和一些电子游戏机的标准接口。此举旨在减少充电器生产相关的浪费。显然,此举对苹果公司的影响最大。 Manufacturers will be forced to create a universal charging...

  • 古代人夏日纳凉的4个妙招

    21-07-19 1. FAN CHAIRS 风扇椅 Philadelphia-based musical instrument maker John Cram invented a clever cooling device in the 1780s. People used their feet to operate the fan that moved above their head, much like someone would power an old sewing machine. Ben...

  • 钢铁侠的战衣或许能用于现实生活

    21-04-13 说到外骨骼,你或许觉得很陌生,但如果提到钢铁侠的战甲,你一定非常熟悉。事实上,这种战甲正被越来越多地应用到我们的现实生活中,也许有一天,你也能成为钢铁侠! Imagine wearing high-tech body armour that makes you super strong and tireless. Such technolog...

  • 学校应该禁止孩子带智能手机吗

    21-04-02 新学期开始之后,很多刚刚度过暑假的学生会带着智能手机重返校园。研究显示,现在有很多小学生都有自己的手机,但说到底,这种新时代的产物究竟是帮助学习和交流的绝佳工具,还是会大大分散孩子们的注意力? According to Internet Matters, around 72 per cent of chi...

  • 研究显示英国学龄前儿童上网看视频时间增加

    21-04-02 研究显示,目前英国有四分之三的五岁以下儿童会使用平板电脑、智能手机或计算机。市场调查机构 Childwise 询问了一千多名英国家长关于他们学龄前子女使用新媒体产品的习惯。 More than a thousand parents of under-five-year-olds were interviewed by Childwise. The...

  • 牛津大学研发新方法 五分钟识别新冠病毒

    20-10-20 Scientists from Britains University of Oxford have developed a rapid Covid-19 test able to identify the coronavirus in less than five minutes, researchers said on Thursday, adding it could be used in mass testing at airports and businesses. 研究人员...

  • Dash Button 速递按钮

    20-09-26 Dash Button is Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos latest I want it now convenience stratagem. The user sets up the device to correspond to a certain product and sticks the device in a convenient place (say, inside the cabinet where paper towels are k...

  • Wi-Fi代表什么?

    20-09-19 Wi-Fi is a wireless network that uses radio frequency signals to connect to the Internet or send messages between devices, without wires. Everything from your phone and laptop to tablets and printers can use Wi-Fi, thanks to these waves. In 1997, a...