13-11-17 A company has launched revolutionary software for tracking stolen mobile phones that is impossible to remove from the device - even with a factory reset. Absolute软件公司推出了一款革命性软件,可以帮助用户跟踪被盗手机。更令人惊奇的是,即便恢复出厂设...
13-04-07 Second screen , some times also referred to as 'companion device', is a term that refers to an additional electronic device (e.g. tablet, smartphone) that allows a television audience to interact with the content they are consuming, such as TV shows...
12-12-08 不久的将来,人们手中的智能手机和平板电脑就或许可以用眼睛来操控了。一直致力于研究帮助残障人士用眼睛控制电脑技术的公司GazeGroup打算将该技术应用于适合普通用户使用的领域,这样不但能惠及更多人,同时还能明显降低此类技术的使用费用。 In the near future, we...
12-11-21 Portable, accurate, and highly sensitive devices that sniff out vapors(蒸汽) from explosives and other substances could become as commonplace as smoke detectors in public places, thanks to researchers at University of California, Santa Barbara. Re...
11-12-21 When accidents that involve traumatic(外伤的) brain injuries occur, a speedy diagnosis followed by the proper treatment can mean the difference between life and death. A research team, led by Jason D. Riley in the Section on Analytical and Functio...
11-04-17 A series of new guidelines for cardiac(心脏的) specialists has been developed to determine when heart failure patients should receive a mechanical heart-pumping device. The new guidelines will likely affect who is referred for a mechanical circula...
10-10-20 The eyes of sheep infected with scrapie(痒病) a neurological disorder similar to mad cow disease return an intense, almost-white glow when they're hit with blue excitation(激发,刺激) light, according to a research project led by Iowa State Univ...
10-10-06 A balloon angioplasty(气囊血管成形术) device that sucks up dangerous plaque(血小板) debris could trigger a paradigm shift(典范转移) in how physicians treat peripheral(外围的,次要的) artery disease, researchers write in the current issue of...
10-07-31 India has come up with the world's cheapest laptop, a touch-screen computing device that costs $35. 印度政府日前推出了一款世界上最便宜的笔记本电脑,这款触摸屏的计算设备售价仅为35美元。 India has come up with the world's cheapest 'laptop.' a touch-sc...
10-03-07 Technology that could see an end to the bane of many commuters - people talking loudly on their mobile phones - has been shown off by researchers. 国际信息及通信技术博览会上,研究人员向大家展示了一种装置,有了它,大家在上下班公交车上可能再也遇不到大...