• 希腊处理财政赤字初见成效

    10-08-06 Greece's efforts to tackle its public deficit have had a strong start, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Union (EU) have said. 国际货币组织与欧盟称,希腊处理财政赤字的努力有了一个强劲的开始。 The comments came after a delegation of...

  • 奥巴马演讲 与卡梅伦会晤后答记者问4

    10-07-26 Laura Meckler. Q Thank you. Mr. President, in your opening statement you referred to the fact that the British government has been taking some very tough steps towards -- to get their budget in order, and you said you had committed to cut the defici...

  • 英国女王提出加薪以填补财政赤字

    10-06-05 英国女王日前向刚刚组建的联合政府提出加薪要求,以填补王室高达600万英镑的财政赤字。据悉,这是女王二十年来首次提出加薪。 The Queen is demanding her first pay rise in 20 years to plug a looming 6million deficit in the royal household's finances. The Que...

  • 美国预算赤字2210亿 创出新高

    10-03-11 The US government recorded a budget deficit of $221bn (147.6bn) in February - the largest monthly deficit in its history. 美国政府二月份预算赤字达2210亿美元,这是历史上最高的月度赤字。 The US deficit in 2008 stood at $459bn The total deficit since t...

  • 解读温总理政府工作报告2

    10-03-06 MAJOR TARGETS for 2010 2010年主要目标 -- GDP will grow by about 8 percent. --国内生产总值增长8%左右。 -- Urban employment will increase by more than 9 million people. --城镇新增就业900万人以上。 -- Urban registered unemployment rate will be kept no...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Pay As You Go

    10-02-23 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address February 13, 2010 All across America, people work hard to meet their responsibilities. You do your jobs, take care of your families, pay your bills. Sometimes, particularly in tough times like these,...

  • 希腊政府实行经济紧缩政策以削减赤字

    10-02-03 Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has announced tough austerity measures aimed at cutting his country's soaring public debt. 希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧宣布实行严格的经济紧缩措施以削减不断增长的国债。 Mr Papandreou said a public sector pay freeze an...

  • 奥巴马宣布2011年财政预算

    10-02-02 US President Barack Obama has announced a $3.8tn (2.4tn) budget plan for 2011, which includes increased spending for job creation, but cuts in other areas. 美国总统奥巴马宣布了2011年3.8万亿的财政预算计划,创造就业机会的预算增长,其他领域有所下降。 H...

  • 希腊承诺处理巨额政府公债

    10-01-06 Greece has said it will have its budget deficit back within European Union rules within two years - one year earlier than previously planned. 希腊政府宣布,将在两年之内将预算赤字控制到欧盟规定的水平,这将比原计划早一年。 The Greek government and peo...

  • 奥巴马希望打开美国就业新局面

    09-12-04 With the US unemployment rate above 10% for the first time in 27 years, a sense of urgency is growing. 美国27年以来失业率首次高过10%,形势的紧迫感正在不断上涨。 15.7 million people are unemployed in the US according to official figures On Thursday i...