• round the clock 夜以继日

    22-12-26 夜以继日,汉语成语,意思是指晚上连着白天,日夜不停。形容加紧工作或学习。可以翻译为round the clock,day and night等。 例句: 他夜以继日地学习,准备历史考试。 He studied round the clock for his history exam....

  • 和save有关的表达

    22-08-08 1. save the day(反败为胜、转危为安) In the final set of the match, our team lost the first five games, but later saved the day by winning the last consecutive seven ones. 在决胜盘时,我队虽然先输了五局,但随后连赢七局逆转胜。 John repaired the copy...

  • 去上班

    22-06-09 1. 你提早下班到家,发现室友在客厅。他平常都回的比你晚。于是你问他今天是不是一直呆在家: Did you go in to work today? 你今天上班了吗? 2. 用短语go in表达某人去上班之意: What time are you going in today? 你今天几点上班? 3. 但只有当你不在办公室的时候...