• not know the time of day 一问三不知

    20-10-22 一问三不知,指怎么问都不知道(say I dont know to every question),很糊涂或很无知。可以翻译为be entirely ignorant; not know a thing。与英文惯用语not know the time of day意思相近,表示to be completely unintelligent, daft, or not alert。 例句: 别问他...

  • 打招呼你只会“How are you?”

    20-10-21 How are you?Fine,thank you.这些问候语在语法上面是完全没毛病的,甚至可以说是十分正式、有礼的,但问题就正是因为它们太过正式了。 如果跟比较熟的人打招呼,其实还有很多比较亲切的说法: 日常版: ★Hows your day? 今天过得开心吗? ★Long time no see. How ha...

  • a rainy day 不如意的日子

    20-10-19 有一次,一位外教老师,在大晴天的感叹道:Ive been really bad lately. Its really a rainy day. 有同事回应:Wow! It is raining? Awesome! 外教老师突然对他白了一眼,无言地走开了 神马情况?A rain day难道不是下雨天? 原来,a rainy day除了有下雨天的意思,还...

  • 关于day的几个短语

    20-10-16 day by day 我们常说,沉迷学习,日渐肥胖~这里主要强调每天逐渐往某个方向产生变化。 在口语里,我们可以使用day by day这个短语表达一天天地、日益(变化)。 day by day主要强调每天逐渐往某个方向或计划前进,就像辞典解释上写的more and more as each day passes...

  • 和时间有关的英语表达

    20-10-14 1 pass the time 关于pass,时间过得特别快可以说Time passes so quickly,而打发时间可以说pass the time。 When Paula was ill, I took her some magazines to help her pass the time. 葆拉生病时,我给她带去一些杂志帮她消磨时间。 2 no time to lose 用这个短语...

  • 《X战警:天启》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Top marks, everyone. 大家回去以后好好准备。 2. Class dismissed. 现在可以下课了。 3. You look well. Its been a while. 好久不见,看上去不错。 4. Spit-spot, back to bed. 快回到自己床上去。 5. Yes and no. 不全然。 6. The way you ape human behavior is...

  • 《万物理论》精彩词句

    17-06-13 1. They will boot you out, you know, if you dont decide. 你要是再定不下来,就要被请出去了。 2. Stay long, Brian. Keep long, Brian! 坚持住,布莱恩。加把劲,布莱恩! 3. Sod off! 一边去! 4. Ma makes a cracking roast. 我妈烤的肉特别好吃。 5. Chop-chop....

  • decision fatigue 决策疲劳

    16-07-27 Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual, after a long session of decision making. 决策疲劳指一个人在做了一长串的决策之后决策质量开始下降的状态。 It is now understood as one of the causes of irrational...

  • 树是如何睡觉的

    16-05-18 Most living organisms adapt their behavior to the rhythm of day and night. Plants are no exception: flowers open in the morning, some tree leaves close during the night. Researchers have been studying the day and night cycle in plants for a long tim...

  • I Will Live This Day as if It Is My Last

    16-04-03 I will live this day as if it is my last. And what then shall I do? Forgetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow. Why should I throw note after maybe? Can tomorrows sand flow through the glass before todays? Will the sun rise twice this mor...