• 气候变化加速了害虫的扩散

    13-09-02 Climate change is helping pests and diseases that attack crops to spread around the world, a study suggests. 研究发现,气候变化助长了农作物害虫和疾病的全球蔓延。 Researchers from the universities of Exeter and Oxford have found crop pests are moving...

  • 筛豆龟蝽危及美国农业安全

    13-04-16 The invasive kudzu(野葛) bug has the potential to be a major agricultural pest, causing significant damage to economically important soybean crops. Conventional wisdom has held that the insect pests will be limited to areas in the southern United...

  • 野生昆虫数量减少影响农作物产量

    13-03-01 Researchers studying data from 600 fields in 20 countries have found that managed honey bees are not as successful at pollinating crops as wild insects, primarily wild bees, suggesting the continuing loss of wild insects in many agricultural landsca...

  • 鸟类在混农林中能更好地生存繁衍

    12-08-08 Compared with open farmland, wooded shade plantations(种植园) that produce coffee and chocolate promote greater bird diversity, although a new University of Utah study says forests remain the best habitat for tropical birds. The findings suggest t...

  • 为瓢虫提供栖息地有助粮食增产

    12-05-14 Having natural habitat in farming areas that supports ladybugs(瓢虫) could help increase their abundance in crops where they control pests and help farmers reduce their costs, says a Michigan State University study. Ladybugs and other predatory in...

  • 评估农林业的利益

    11-07-01 Agroforestry(农林学) , the deliberate placement of trees into crop and livestock(牲畜) operations, can help capture substantial amounts of carbon on agricultural lands while providing production and conservation benefits. However, we currently l...

  • 植物生长速度与抵抗力此消彼涨

    11-01-30 Plants are attacked by a multitude of(大批的,众多的) insects and mammals. As defense against these herbivores(食草动物) they developed complex defense mechanisms over the course of evolution: spines, thorns, leaf hairs and a number of toxic che...

  • 科学家对引起农作物病害的病菌进行研究

    10-12-10 Norwich scientists are on the trail of(跟踪,追赶) some of the most economically damaging organisms that infect crops worldwide. Their latest targets are the parasitic(寄生的) water fungus that causes powdery mildew(白粉病 ) and the water mold...

  • 基因研究:寒冷气候下加快作物生长

    10-09-10 Fresh insight into(深刻理解,洞察) how plants slow their growth in cold weather could help scientists develop crops suited to cooler environments. Researchers have shown for the first time that a gene known as Spatula limits the growth of plants i...

  • 真菌烟气可有效清除农作物害虫

    10-02-20 A cocktail of compounds emitted by the beneficial fungus(真菌) Muscodor albus may offer a biologically based way to fumigate(熏蒸) certain crops and rid them of destructive pests. That's the indication from Agricultural Research Service ( ARS农...