• good weather for the crops 风调雨顺

    22-03-23 风调雨顺,汉语成语,字面意思是seasonable weather with gentle breeze and timely rain,形容风雨适合农作物生长(good weather for the crops),亦可喻指天下安宁,常与国泰民安一起出现。 例句: 风调雨顺,国泰民安。 The wind and rain come in their time. The...

  • 英国萨里郡发现害虫“臭屁虫”

    21-11-17 为辅助一项监测研究,专家在英格兰萨里郡捕捉了一只会危害庄稼、侵扰房屋的 臭屁虫。 Brown marmorated stink bugs are tiny dull shield-shaped insects which get their name from the strong odour they emit when threatened. Theyve become a nuisance in the US,...