• 对世界真菌生存现状的评估调查

    21-04-02 研究人员们首次对世界上真菌的生存状况开展了大规模的评估调查。他们发现,真菌王国对于地球万物来说至关重要,尽管目前世界上约有三百八十万种真菌种类,但仍有超过 90% 是科学未知的。 From foods to medicines, to recycling nutrients fungi are vital for life on...

  • 食物生产的未来

    21-02-25 随着新型机械不断地被发明,人们对劳动密集型耕作方式的依赖在逐日减少。然而,以下这一景象会成为现实吗?农民不再需要下地干活,机器人会承包所有的工作。这是英国及世界各地的科学家们正在尝试的一个想法。 Imagine a future where all farming is done by machine,...

  • 广西35多万人受到暴雨影响

    19-05-30 A total of 354,785 residents have been affected by heavy downpours in south Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, with nearly 48,000 relocated, local authorities said Wednesday. 广西壮族自治区共有354785位居民受到倾盆大雨影响,其中有48000人被重新...

  • 农林业帮助农民开拓种植领域

    16-07-07 Imagine an agriculture field. Most are planted with row upon row of tidy cash crops. Now imagine that same field with rows of trees between the rows of crops. This forested field concept is called alley cropping. Alley cropping helps farmers diversi...

  • 荷兰农业研究员用模拟太空土种庄稼

    16-05-27 Establishing a human colony on the Moon and travelling to Mars has been the stuff of dreams since the dawn of the space age. 在月球上建个人类的殖民地,去火星旅行是人类自太空时代开启之初一直以来的梦想。 But these visions face many hurdles. How can hu...

  • 美国农场农作物多样性下降

    15-09-21 U.S. farmers are growing fewer types of crops than they were 34 years ago, which could have implications for how farms fare as changes to the climate evolve, according to a large-scale study by Kansas State University, North Dakota State University...

  • 农作物回归自然状态能养活世界人口?

    14-12-17 To feed the world's growing population--expected to reach nine billion by the year 2050--we will have to find ways to produce more food on less farmland, without causing additional harm to the remaining natural habitat. A feature review, to be publi...

  • 长梧封人

    14-11-27 A beadle garrisoning the frontier Changwu said to Confucius's student. Zi Lao, When I grew crops in the past, I used to be repaid with poor harvest because I ploughed the field absent- mindedly; I hoed up the weeds carelessly, consequently the weeds...

  • 有机农业相对传统农业的几项优势

    14-07-14 The largest study of its kind has found that organic foods and crops have a suite of advantages over their conventional counterparts, including more antioxidants and fewer, less frequent pesticide residues(残留) . The study looked at an unpreceden...

  • 美国东部玉米螟虫的数量显著下降

    13-12-25 Populations of European corn borer(玉米螟) (ECB), a major corn crop pest , have declined significantly in the eastern United States, according to Penn State researchers. The decline suggests that the use of genetically modified, ECB-resistant corn...