• 巴勒斯坦正式加入国际刑事法庭

    15-04-02 The Palestinian Authority officially became a member of the International Criminal Court on Wednesday. 巴勒斯坦当局周三正式成为国际刑事法庭成员国。 Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat is describing it as a day of historical significance to the Palest...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 14

    15-03-03 Oh! Monsieur, I responded, weeping, you would deprive an unfortunate of her fondest hope were you to wither in her heart this religion which is her whole comfort. Firmly attached to its teachings, absolutely convinced that all the blows leveled agai...

  • 柏林警方考虑采用软件预测犯罪行为

    14-12-05 When police officers in Minority Report predicted who would commit crimes, and stopped them before they happened, it was considered so futuristic the film was set in 2054. 电影《少数派报告》中的警察能预测谁会犯罪,并在他们实施犯罪之前阻止他们。这样...

  • life imprisonment 无期徒刑

    13-12-11 Bo Xilai, former secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and a former member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Sunday for bribery, embezzlement and abuse...

  • 国际刑事法庭批准逮捕西蒙妮·巴博

    12-11-23 The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Simone Gbagbo, the wife of Ivory Coast's ex-President Laurent Gbagbo. 国际刑事法庭颁发了一份逮捕令,对象是科特迪瓦前总统洛朗巴博之妻西蒙妮巴博。 Simone Gbagbo, a politician in her own...

  • 《所有美好的东西》六

    12-11-05 影片对白 District attorney: Thank you for coming on such short notice . Due to new evidence and a close look at the case, I've decided to reopen the investigation into the disappearance of Katherine Marks. Katherine disappeared in 1982, almost 20 ye...

  • 巴西足联主席里卡多辞职

    12-03-13 The head of Brazil's football federation, Ricardo Teixeira, has stepped down from his post, days after taking sick leave. 巴西足联主席里卡多辞职,日前他曾请过病假。 He also resigned from the 2014 World Cup organising committee. Mr Teixeira, who led...

  • 纽约地铁多占座位属犯罪

    12-01-16 Lounging on the New York subway with feet up on the seats was costly to lazy riders fined by the city last year, police said on Tuesday. 警方本周二称,纽约地铁里那些把脚跷在座位上的懒散乘客去年都付出了惨重的代价。 More than 7,000 riders on New York...

  • 匈牙利举办世界首个黑帮选美大赛

    10-09-18 匈牙利首都布达佩斯正在举办世界上首个黑帮选美大赛,所有参赛选手都必须有案底,最终获胜者将得到一部汽车和位于布达佩斯的一套公寓,决赛将在一间曾经被黑帮混战炸毁过的酒吧举行。组织方表示,报名参加选美的有小偷、诈骗犯、帮派份子、银行抢劫犯等各类人员,决赛...

  • 回译策略

    10-06-18 翻译通常被看成是单向旅程,但偶然也需要回程车票,这就涉及到回译的过程。如果把比喻进行到底,回译的过程就是回家的过程。然而,这一过程有时候是异常艰难的。 翻译中的回译错误不一而足,最近闹得沸沸扬扬的常凯甲事件,就是因为不懂回译造成的。常凯甲不是别人,正...