• 最高法工作报告亮点

    22-03-11 China enhances judicial openness: SPC report 广泛接受社会监督 Chinese livestreaming court trials have registered 45.6 billion views in 2021, according to the Supreme Peoples Court (SPC) report submitted to the ongoing session of the national legisla...

  • national crackdown on gang crimes 全国扫黑除恶专项斗争

    21-04-01 自2018年全国开展扫黑除恶专项斗争以来,通过制定法律政策、设立举报平台等一系列行动打击黑恶势力。国家统计局2020年上半年民意调查显示,95.1%的群众对专项斗争成效表示满意或比较满意。 Ever since China launched national crackdown on gang crimes in 2018, the...

  • 英语被动语态

    20-12-13 在英语中,被动语态 passive voice 可以在不提及动作执行者的情况下说明一件事情发生的情况。如果想指明执行动作的人或事物,则应该在谓语动词和动作执行者的中间加上介词 by,表示 被,由 的意思。怎样把主动语态转换成被动语态?被动语态的构成结构是否随时态而变化...

  • commit all sorts of crimes 无恶不作

    20-09-17 无恶不作,汉语成语,字面意思是没有什么坏事不干(do every sort of evil thing)。形容做尽了坏事,可以翻译为commit all sorts (all manner) of crimes;be as wicked as possible。 例句: 杀人放火,无恶不作 commit murder, arson and every crime imaginable 侵...

  • 安邦原董事长吴小晖受审

    18-03-29 Wu Xiaohui, former chair and general manager of Chinese conglomerate Anbang Insurance Group, has stood trial on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in Shanghai on charges of embezzlement and fraud. 安邦保险集团原董事长兼CEO吴小晖因挪用公款以及诈骗于2018年3月2...

  • 英国警方不再调查低级别犯罪案件

    17-10-29 Britains largest police force will no longer investigate thousands of burglaries, thefts and some assaults, it has been revealed. 据报道,英国最大的警察机构伦敦警察厅今后将不再调查数千起入室盗窃、偷窃和袭击等犯罪行为。 The Metropolitan Police have s...

  • sweeping victory 获全胜

    15-07-15 Chinese President Xi Jinping called for more comprehensive and coordinated efforts to combat drugs, vowing that there would be no rest until a sweeping victory . 中国国家主席习近平呼吁全面加强禁毒工作,强化禁毒合作,并承诺不获全胜决不收兵。 获全胜可...

  • internet police 网警

    15-06-29 Starting from June 1, internet police in 50 localities - including both metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai as well as small, impoverished city such as Bijie in southwest China's Guizhou Province - will officially launch their own accounts on...