• 刚果发生火车脱轨事故 60人丧生

    10-06-23 About 60 people have been killed in a train crash in the south of Congo-Brazzaville, officials have said. 刚果布拉柴维尔南部地区发生火车脱轨事故,大约60人丧生。 The head of the rail operator, Chemin de Fer Congo-Ocean (CFCO), said it occurred on Mon...

  • 北约直升机阿富汗境内坠机 四人死亡

    10-06-22 Three Australian commandos and a US soldier have been killed in a helicopter crash in southern Afghanistan, Nato officials say. 北约官员称,南阿富汗地区发生一起直升机坠机事件,三名澳大利亚突击队员和一名美军士兵因此丧生。 The crash happened at 0339 l...

  • 曼德拉曾孙遭遇车祸身亡

    10-06-11 Nelson Mandela's great-granddaughter has been killed in a car crash after a concert on the eve of the World Cup. 世界杯赛前夕,纳尔逊曼德拉的曾孙女在一场车祸中身亡。 Zenani Mandela, 13, died when travelling home after the concert in Soweto, the Nels...

  • 英国坎布里亚郡校车发生事故 三人死亡

    10-05-25 Two teenagers, a boy and a girl, are among three people killed in a crash involving a school coach on the A66 near Keswick in Cumbria. 英国坎布里亚郡凯斯维克附近A66公路上一列校车发生车祸,三人死亡,其中包括一男一女两名青少年。 The bus was taking chi...

  • 波兰人民沉痛悼念卡钦斯基总统

    10-04-12 The body of Polish President Lech Kaczynski is to lie in state in the capital Warsaw as the nation mourns the victims of the Smolensk air crash. 斯克空难的遇难者,波兰总统莱赫卡钦斯基的遗体陈放于首都华沙供公众前来吊唁。 The dead president's daughter...

  • 俄罗斯发生飞机失事,多人丧生

    09-12-14 Six parachutists have been killed along with an instructor and their pilot in a plane crash near the Urals city of Chelyabinsk, Russian media report. 俄罗斯媒体报道,乌拉尔城市车里雅宾斯克附近一架飞机失事,造成六名伞兵、一名教练以及他们的飞行员丧生...

  • US spacecraft set for Moon crash 美宇宙飞船将坠落月球

    09-10-09 Nasa is set to crash two unmanned spacecraft into the Moon in a bid to detect the presence of water-ice. 美国航空航天局将向月球坠落两艘无人宇宙飞船以探测冰水是否存在。 The shepherding spacecraft will analyse the impact debris A 2,200kg rocket stage...

  • Jet crash kills Israel hero's son 以色列战机失事,飞行员未能

    09-09-14 An Israeli F-16 fighter jet has crashed in the West Bank, killing the pilot. 一架以色列F16战斗机坠落在约旦河西岸,飞行员未能幸免。 The 21-year-old pilot, Assaf Ramon, was the son of Israel's only astronaut, Ilan Ramon, who died in the explosion of t...

  • 'Fifth Bunnyman' killed in crash Bunnyman乐队“第五成员”死

    09-09-05 A former keyboard player with Echo and the Bunnymen has been killed in a motorbike crash on the Isle of Man. Echo乐队和Bunnymen乐队前键盘手在马恩岛死于摩托车冲撞。 The former keyboard player died on Tuesday in the Isle of Man Jake Brockman, who was...

  • Afghan helicopter crash kills 16 阿富汗发生直升机坠落事件,

    09-07-20 A civilian helicopter has crashed in southern Afghanistan, killing at least 16 civilians and injuring five, Nato officials have confirmed. 北约官员证实,一架民用直升机在阿富汗南部地区坠落,导致至少16人死亡5人受伤。 Russian media say the aircraft was...