• 节约能源小贴士

    22-10-18 英国物价大幅上涨,推高生活成本,英国人认为精打细算比以往任何时候都重要。本文浅议提高能源效率和减少开支的方法。 We all want to save money, and with the cost of living on the rise in the UK, its become more important than ever to watch what we spend....

  • 西班牙计划出台“数字游民签证”政策

    22-09-30 西班牙计划出台数字游民签证政策,以期吸引可以利用网络远程办公的人到该国居住和生活。申请者必须收入达到一定水平并在西班牙有住所,而且还要证明自己已远程办公至少一年。 Spain plans to issue digital nomad visas giving non-EU citizens the chance to work in...

  • 免费

    22-07-04 ① for free 例: I got a second cup of coffee for free. 我免费得到了续杯咖啡。 ② without charge 例: You can download this app and use it without charge. 你可以下载这个应用程序并免费使用。 ③ free of charge/cost 例: Going to a public exhibition is...

  • 8条与金钱相关的习语 上

    22-04-26 1. Balance the books 结账、结算 determine that accounts are in balance, bring the two sides into equilibrium, settle an account by paying what is due 确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户 The accountant says he cant balance the bo...

  • 减少施工浪费 循环利用托盘

    22-02-23 Wherever you see building works, youre likely to spot these: wooden pallets. 不论是哪里的建筑工程,都不乏有这些木制托盘的影子。 And here is why they are useful. They allow bulky items to be easily transported. The UK construction industry gets throu...

  • keep your head above water 勉强逃脱困境

    21-12-29 6 keep your head above water above water有摆脱困境、摆脱麻烦的意思。溺水时,我们尽可能要做的就是让头部浮出水面,因此这个习语也就是勉强逃脱困境;设法不举债;挣扎求存的意思。 例句: The cost of living is now so high that you need to earn a good income...

  • 我们需要更多的假期吗?

    21-02-27 I live in London and Im looking forward to 4 May. Its our next bank holiday. We have a total of eight of these in England and Wales. Im planning to grab a beach towel, some suntan lotion and go to the coastal town of Brighton for the day. Some of my...

  • bargain blindness 打折失明症

    20-09-26 Examples of bargain blindness include the lure of cut-price petrol, which may cost motorists more by the time theyve driven the extra five miles to get it, and deals on return train tickets, when two singles would be cheaper. 打折失明症的例子包括降...

  • 中国将削减1585个税目的进口关税

    18-09-27 China will reduce import tariffs on 1,585 taxable items starting Nov. 1, to serve industrial upgrading, lower corporate cost and meet domestic demand. 11月1日起,中国将削减1585个税目的进口关税以服务产业升级、降低企业成本以及满足国内需求。 The new po...

  • 中国首枚民营自主研发火箭成功发射

    18-05-17 Chinas first privately-developed carrier rocket for commercial use, called Chongqing Liangjiang Star, was launched from a test base in northwest China on Thursday morning, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻报道,中国首枚民营自主研发商用运载火箭重庆两江之...