• 超过76%的毕业生选择找工作而非深造

    14-05-03 More college graduates in China are opting for work experience instead of advanced degrees, a survey shows. 一项调查显示,中国越来越多的大学毕业生选择找工作,而不是继续深造。 The pragmatic approach, coupled with a record number of students graduatin...

  • 美国大学学习相关词汇

    13-10-15 Accreditation 认证,由美国教育部或是美国高等教育认证委员会承认的认证机构评定为达到某一标准的大学即为被认证的大学。 Associate's Degree 副学士学位,通常是社区学院或两年制专科学校颁发给毕业生的文凭,有些人凭借副学士学位的学分转学至四年制大学,有的人拿...

  • 英国某大学调查新生性取向遭批评

    13-09-13 A college has been condemned for asking 16 and 17-year-old students whether they were gay or straight on registration forms. 英国巴恩斯利学院在学生注册表上列出选项,询问其是同性恋还是异性恋,以及是否是变性人。 Form: The registration paperwork for Ba...

  • 英美包揽世界大学最新排名前十

    13-09-13 在最新出炉的QS世界大学排名中,英国有6所大学进了前20名,其中,剑桥大学(第三)、伦敦大学学院(第四)、帝国理工学院(第五)以及牛津大学(第六)跻身前十名。美国的大学仍然在前20名中占多数位置,其中,麻省理工学院和哈佛大学占据了前两位。 The UK now boasts...

  • 《地心历险记2》六

    13-07-31 片段对白 Sean: Hank. Hank, get up. Hank: Something's wrong here. Everybody up! Kalani: Where'd all this water come from? Hank: It looks like the liquefaction rate tripled overnight. Kalani: What's that mean? Hank: It means this island is sinking a l...

  • I'm Moving to NY

    13-07-11 Enough was enough. After four years of devoting herself to Ward, Leah had given up. I'm moving to New York, she said. He couldn't believe it. He begged her to give him one more chance. She said she had already given him one more chance too many time...

  • 美国或将允许非法移民申请奖学金

    13-03-24 The Washington House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a measure making young illegal immigrants eligible for state college financial aid. 华盛顿众议院周三通过了一项议案,让年轻的非法移民也有资格申请州立大学的助学金。 The measure's bipartisan...

  • 美国大学女生兴起“傍大款”热潮

    13-01-25 As college costs continue their stubborn rise, and with work harder to come by during an anemic economic recovery, some students are resorting to a rather unusual measure in order to pay their college bills. 在美国当前经济复苏势头疲软的形势下,大学...

  • A Get-Together

    12-12-20 Three years have passed since I became a college student. I haven't seen many of my classmates after we parted when the college entrance examination was over. So we decided to have a get-together party this summer vacation. As you can imagine, I cou...

  • 大学生对婚姻比其父亲更加渴望

    12-11-29 Reaching adulthood certainly takes longer than it did a generation ago, but new research shows one way that parents are contributing to the delay. A national study found that college students think 25 years old is the right age to get married, while...