• to fancy someone 喜欢上了某个人

    21-07-21 如果你 fancy someone 那就说明你对某人有感觉,喜欢上了这个人。 例句 Hes fancied her ever since they first met at college, but hes never been brave enough to ask her out. Im sorry. I like you as a friend, but I dont fancy you. 请注意 如果把人换成物 to...

  • college application 填报志愿

    21-06-01 college application 填报志愿 I want to help those who are not familiar with the college application process. 我想要帮助那些对填报志愿不太熟悉的人。 independent enrollment 自主招生 From 2006, five majors of our college including software technology h...

  • 小额贷款公司不得向大学生发放互联网消费贷款

    21-03-21 近日,银保监会办公厅、中央网信办秘书局、教育部办公厅、公安部办公厅、人民银行办公厅联合印发了《关于进一步规范大学生互联网消费贷款监督管理工作的通知》,从四个方面进一步规范大学生互联网消费贷款监督管理,切实维护大学生合法权益。 Micro lenders are banned...

  • be unprecedented 破天荒

    21-01-27 破天荒,中文词语,意思是以前从来没有出现过的事,或第一次出现的事,可以翻译为occur for the first time; be unprecedented; never happened before。旧时文人常用破天荒来表示突然得志扬名。 例句: 村里出了个大学生,这可是破天荒的大事儿。 For the first time...

  • 永远不要以貌取人

    20-12-15 I am a 27 year old trying to go back to college after a long break from any formal schooling. I am taking a college algebra class and struggling to keep up. I sit behind a young man who upon first glance looks like a thug or overall someone I would...

  • Little Women - Chapter 5

    20-09-27 What in the world are you going to do now, Jo? asked Meg one snowy afternoon, as her sister came tramping through the hall, in rubber boots, old sack, and hood, with a broom in one hand and a shovel in the other. Going out for exercise, answered Jo...

  • 2019高考人数逾千万

    19-05-07 More than 10 million students have applied to take part in Chinas annual national college entrance examination this year, Minister of Education Chen Baosheng said Monday. 教育部部长陈宝生周一表示,今年有超过1000万考生报名参加高考。 Chen released the...

  • 剑桥认可中国高考成绩

    19-03-25 The University of Cambridge announced on its website that scores from Chinas college entrance exams are accepted in the schools entry requirements. 剑桥大学在官网上宣布,将中国高考成绩作为该校的入学要求。 Students whose scores rank among the top 0.1...

  • 盲人少年王子安皇家伯明翰音乐学院录取

    18-01-10 Wang Zian, an 18-year-old blind teenager in Baiyun District, southern Chinas Guangdong Province, was enrolled by the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, one of the top music colleges in the United Kingdom, after several years of efforts, dayoo.com repor...

  • 中国禁止对大学生网贷

    17-06-20 China has banned online loans to college students. 中国已禁止对高校学生的网络贷款。 Financial institutions not registered or authorized by regulators are now banned from offering loans on campus, said a recent notice by Chinas Banking Regulatory Com...