• 正式介绍别人相识

    22-06-14 Id like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Walker. 我想把你介绍给我亲爱的朋友,沃克先生。 Allow me to introduce my colleague, Ms. Smith. 请容许我介绍一下我的同事,史密斯小姐。 Let me introduce you to my colleague, Paul Walter. 让我把你介绍给我...

  • shortcoming、drawback和demerit

    21-09-29 上述三个词都可以用来表示 某事物总体水平不达标 或者 某件事情的缺点,所以在一些情况下,它们可以互换使用,而句子的大体含义不变。比如,听下面的三个例句,每句话中分别使用了名词 shortcoming、drawback 和 demerit 的复数形式。 Examples The shortcomings of th...

  • 10条职场生存法则

    21-06-21 1.Remember These Four Words 记住这四个词 Be positive, principled, pro-active, and productive. 乐观,讲原则,主动,高效 Rakesh N. 2.Discover Yourself 挖掘自己 Consider this job a journey to learn about yourself. The purpose is to grow as a human bein...

  • 员工频繁“邮件自荐”以赶超其他同事

    17-05-24 Showing off - or showing a colleague up - by copying management into an email thread is becoming more common, according to a study from a Cambridge scholar. 一位剑桥学者表示,通过把邮件抄送给管理人员,从而推销自己或把某位同事比下去的方式,已越来越普...

  • underbus 抛弃同伴

    15-08-26 To underbus means to unfairly discredit, blame, or dispose of an ally or colleague, particularly for personal gain. Underbus指为了个人私利,不公平地诋毁、责难或者抛弃同伴或者同事的行为。 This verb is a tidy shortening of the longer idiomatic phrase...

  • 研究:长得帅薪水也高

    13-03-15 A handsome man can earn a fifth more than a plainer colleague but a beautiful woman is not paid a penny more than her average-looking colleague, new research has shown. 新研究表明,帅哥比长相普通的同事薪水多出五分之一,但美女赚的钱却不会比相貌平平的...

  • 压力也会“传染”

    11-11-12 A new study reveals we can actually 'catch' other people's stress. 最新研究表明,我们会传染上他人的压力。 Professor Elaine Hatfield, a psychologist from the University of Hawaii, discovered that stress can be as contagious(传染性的) as a cold, and...

  • 英机场安检员用“裸检”机器拍女同事裸照

    10-03-27 英国伦敦希思罗机场一名负责操作全身扫描安检仪器的员工对一位误入该扫描区的女同事全裸身体影像拍照,并对其进行了猥亵性的评论。这位女同事发现后立即向上级和警方报告了此事,并称此事对她打击很大,都无法继续工作。目前,这名违规使用安检仪器的员工已收到警方警...
