• “拉家常”的英语是什么?

    21-04-19 中国人有事没事都喜欢串个门,和邻居亲友唠几句家常话。聊天的英文是chat,但闲聊还有很多地道的说法。 natter [ntr] 唠叨;闲聊 have a natter 这是一个英式俚语,意思是漫无目的地长时间闲聊,喋喋不休 have a long natter长聊 have a good natter好好拉家常;好好聊...

  • 英国议员提议对外带咖啡杯征收“拿铁税”

    21-04-07 近日,英国国会议员发起了一个向外带咖啡杯征税的建议。议员们认为,对外带咖啡杯征税可以减少一次性纸杯的使用,并同时鼓励商家多使用可回收再利用的杯子。但英国政府对沾满咖啡泡沫的纸杯是否能真正被回收提出了质疑。 When MPs proposed a levy on throwaway coffee...

  • 运动前喝咖啡可以加速脂肪燃烧

    21-04-06 阳春四月不减肥,春暖花开肉一堆。想甩掉陈年老肥,当然要运动起来!研究发现,如果在运动之前喝上一杯咖啡,就可以加速脂肪燃烧。这是真的吗? If youre looking to maximize the amount of fat burned in your next workout, think about having a coffee half an ho...

  • 圣罗兰

    21-03-27 The highly addictive feminine fragrance from Yves Saint Laurent. Fascinating and seductively intoxicating, the opening notes of adrenaline-rich coffee and the sweet sensuality of vanilla recline into the softness of white flowers for a modern, young...

  • 对咖啡的热爱

    21-03-23 Do you drink a lot of coffee? The water boiling in the kettle, the aroma, the first mouthful from the cup in the morning so many people see it as part of a ritual that it inspired an expression in English: Wake up and smell the coffee! I read the ot...

  • 按逗留时间付款的咖啡店

    21-03-09 Whats the allure of coffee shops? Its been said that JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books sitting in one in Edinburgh. Many people spend hours in these places nursing a coffee as they work away on their laptops. But if youre spending all day buyi...

  • 人类在21世纪的无眠夜

    21-02-27 Its early in the morning and Ive hardly caught any shuteye. My breakfast of scrambled eggs and strong coffee will keep me alert before lunch. After lunch, Ill brace myself for an afternoon of yawning and feeling cranky in the office. But Im not alon...

  • 无现金社会

    21-02-27 用现金支付咖啡或买报纸的时代是否已经一去不复返了?如今电子支付已经非常普及,我们可以通过手机,无接触银行卡,甚至手指尖付款。 There is nothing worse than fumbling around in your pocket trying to find some small change to pay for a newspaper or a coff...

  • 您选择哪种付款方式?

    21-02-27 买咖啡,给交通卡充值,你的日常生活还是用现金交易吗?无接触式付款已经不再新奇,手机支付也习以为常,甚至用你的手指支付技术也已进入大众消费支付领域。 How do you pay for your coffee? Is it with change? I use my tap-and-go card. I dont even need to enter...

  • 咖啡种植业面临威胁

    21-02-24 如果你每天早上都要喝一杯拿铁、卡布奇诺或是浓缩咖啡才能振作精神,那么从现在起,你可能需要注意了。专家说,咖啡一族们每天花在咖啡上的消费很可能会开始上涨,而且咖啡的口味也有可能不比从前。这究竟是为什么呢? Do you like drinking coffee? I certainly do. I...