• 《海底总动员-1》序

    23-01-12 PROLOGUE In the warm tropical waters off the coast of Australia, two clownfish swam at the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. Here the ocean was a place of brightly colored anemones, towering corals, and delicate sea plants. But just beyond the reef wa...

  • 如何区分shore、coast和bank

    22-12-03 英语单词 shore、coast 和 bank 都与水体的物理特征有关 theyre words related to physical features found by bodies of water. 这三个词在英语里通常可以互换使用,但它们之间确实有一些细微的差别。 我们通常用 shore 这个词来指 湖、海或宽阔的河流边缘的陆地,但...

  • 世界最大单体免税店cdf海口国际免税城正式开业

    22-11-01 10月28日上午,世界最大单体免税店cdf海口国际免税城正式开业,成为海南离岛免税店名单上的新晋成员。 离岛免税购物是海南自贸港关键核心政策,也是带动海外高端消费回流和消费升级的重要抓手。 Thousands of people waited in line for hours until 10:30 am Friday f...

  • relationship sabbaticals 恋情休假

    22-10-12 我选择去洛杉矶,你一个人要飞向巴黎,尊重各自的决定,维持和平的爱情伴侣分开旅行,来段恋情休假不仅存在于歌曲里,生活中也有不少伴侣选择定期分开旅行,只要做好规划,理清思绪,与恋人小别一下也许是不错的主意。 My husband packed his bags to sail around the...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 24

    22-09-14 The Sicilian sun, early-morning lemon-colored, filled Michaels bedroom. He awoke and, feeling Apollonias satiny body against his own sleep-warm skin, made her come awake with love. When they were done, even all the months of complete possession coul...

  • 2021年度全国十大考古新发现 上

    22-04-02 Piluo site, Sichuan Province 四川稻城皮洛遗址 Piluo is by far Chinas best preserved archaeological site from the Paleolithic period dating back from 2.5 million to around 10,000 years ago. It is situated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in southwest Chi...