• 印度试射可携带核弹头的烈火-3弹道导弹

    17-04-28 India Thursday successfully testfired its intermediate range, nuclear-capable Agni-III ballistic missile from an island off the coast of the eastern state of Odisha, sources said. 有消息透露,印度周四在奥里萨邦附近海域的一座小岛上成功试射一枚中程可...

  • NBA比赛常用词汇 1

    16-08-04 Air ball:三不沾,投出的球什么都没碰到。 Alley-oop:空中接力。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中接住球把球扣入篮筐。 Arena:比赛场;竞技...

  • 新西兰海域发现稀有谢氏塔喙鲸

    16-07-11 For the first time in New Zealand waters an extremely rare grouping of Shepherds Beaked Whales has been spotted from a University of Otago research vessel off the coast of the city of Dunedin in the South Island. Dr Will Rayment, from Otagos Departm...

  • 海啸预警系统

    16-05-25 Seismologists have created a new algorithm that could one day help give coastal cities early warning of incoming tsunamis. Right now, tsunami warning systems rely on region-specific scenarios based on previous patterns in that area. Thats because sc...

  • 厄瓜多尔北海岸发生6.8级地震 1人死亡

    16-05-19 A new earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale struck Ecuadors north coast on Wednesday, killing one person and injuring 85 others, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said. 厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔科雷亚表示,厄瓜多尔北部海岸周三遭受一场里氏6.8级地震...

  • 澳洲海岸观测网有助于加深对极端海洋事件的理解

    14-12-18 A network of nine reference sites off the Australian coast is providing the latest physical, chemical, and biological information to help scientists better understand Australia's coastal seas, according to a study published December 17, 2014 in the...

  • 温暖的太平洋可能释放数百万吨海底甲烷

    14-12-10 Off the West Coast of the United States, methane gas is trapped in frozen layers below the seafloor. New research from the University of Washington shows that water at intermediate depths is warming enough to cause these carbon deposits to melt, rel...

  • 1989年以来地中海气象潮每年上涨1mm

    14-11-25 A new database developed by the University of Cantabria (Spain) provides data on sea level variation due to atmospheric changes in the south of Europe between 1948 and 2009. Over the last two decades sea levels have increased in the Mediterranean ba...

  • 阿拉伯半岛的盐滩中有壁虎生存

    14-10-08 The Gulf Sand gecko is a remarkable desert reptile in that it is the only lizard found habitually on sabkha substrate across large parts of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. These arid salt flats constitute one of the harshest habitats on earth, due to...

  • 北极海底甲烷的排放量超估算值两倍

    13-11-26 The seafloor off the coast of Northern Siberia is releasing more than twice the amount of methane(甲烷) as previously estimated, according to new research results published in the Nov. 24 edition of the journal Nature Geoscience. The East Siberian...