• 幸福

    22-02-09 很多英语小白想表达自己幸福快乐的时候,喜欢用:happy。 其实,形容幸福还有更高级的表达。 seventh heaven,七重天、极乐世界,被认为是幸福和快乐的最高等级。 例:I just love traveling! Whenever I go somewhere new, I feel like I am in seventh heaven. cloud...

  • 用天气词汇描述生活场景

    21-09-29 世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization)将每年的 3 月 23 日设立为世界气象日 World Meteorological Day。英国人非常乐于谈论天气 weather。在日常会话中,有哪些表达看似与天气有关,但实际上却是用特定的气候现象描述生活中的场景?做小测验题,学习六个...

  • under a cloud 受到别人的怀疑

    21-08-05 在形容某人是 under a cloud 的时候意思是此人受到别人的怀疑,认为此人做了什么错事或被卷入了非法活动。 例句 After 20 years at the company, Simon left suddenly under a cloud. Money was stolen from Janes desk and now everyone is under a cloud of suspicio...

  • cloud nine 九霄云

    21-07-28 three-ring circus 大型热闹的演出;五花八门的场面。马戏场的表演划地为圈,三种技艺同时进行,让人眼花缭乱。 例句: The Repulican or Democratic National Convention is like a three-ring circus, with receptions, caucuses, and press conferences going on all...

  • 《科学美国人》2020十大新兴技术 上

    20-11-20 1 Microneedles Could Enable Painless Injections and Blood Draws Barely visible needles, or microneedles, are poised to usher in an era of pain-free injections and blood testing. Whether attached to a syringe or a patch, microneedles prevent pain by...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 20

    20-09-16 The summer days that followed were full of rest and pleasure for young and old, as they did the honours of Plumfield to their happy guests. While Franz and Emil were busy with the affairs of Uncle Hermann and Captain Hardy, Mary and Ludmilla made fr...

  • cloud job fair 云选会

    20-09-11 首批6000家单位参加、面向海内外高层次人才和高校毕业生提供10万余个岗位的云选会于3月16日在上海启动。参加首批云选会活动的包括全球500强企业、大型国企、知名外企、高新技术企业、科创板上市企业等,还有亟须高层次人才的事业单位。 Shanghai on Monday launched a...

  • 你是人间的四月天

    20-09-10 You are the April of the world, I say; Your laughing shines the wind on either side; The spring flashes with ever-changing light. 我说你是人间的四月天; 笑声点亮了四面风; 轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变。 You are the cloud and mist early in April, At dusk...

  • 中国将推动云计算服务安全评估

    19-07-23 Chinese authorities have released a guideline on assessing the safety of cloud computing services, according to the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). 中国国家互联网信息办公室表示,当局已公布一份评估云计算服务的指导方针。 The guideline, joint...

  • 圆周率已计算至31.4万亿位

    19-03-15 Pi, the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter, has been calculated out to 31.4 trillion digits and one of Googles employees has broken the world record because of this, Google said on Pi Day which fell on Thursday this year. 谷歌周四表示...