• 百度在保定建AI云计算中心

    19-02-02 Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) giant Baidu has decided to set up an AI cloud computing center in the northern Chinese city Baoding in its latest efforts to build more smart cities. 百度决定在保定建立一座AI云计算中心。 The AI cloud computing ce...

  • 中国首颗云人工智能芯片发布

    18-05-04 Chinas first cloud artificial intelligence (AI) chip was released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on Thursday in Shanghai. 中国科学院周四在上海发布首颗云人工智能芯片。 The cloud chip MLU100, developed by Cambricon Technology, will have accu...

  • 东北地区实验智能高铁

    18-04-27 Chinas northeast region is conducting the countrys first smart high-speed rail experiments, according to China Railway Corporation. 中国铁路总公司表示,东北地区正在进行国内首条智能高铁实验。 Key smart high-speed rail technologies are being tested in...

  • 北京将建造人工智能科技园

    18-01-03 A technology park dedicated to developing artificial intelligence will be built in Beijing in five years, authorities said. 未来五年,北京将建造一座专注人工智能的科技园。 The park will be situated in suburban Mentougou district in western Beijing, c...

  • 迅雷计划在美国上线云计算服务

    17-12-25 Chinese technology firm Xunlei plans to launch a cloud computing service in the United States and Europe next year, aiming to compete in Amazons home market, Xunleis chief executive said recently. 迅雷董事长近期表示,计划明年在美国和欧洲上线云计算服...

  • 微软计划将中国的云计算能力翻倍

    17-06-14 Microsoft Corp is doubling its cloud capacity in China, which will enable the US tech giant to serve nearly 200,000 corporate cloud customers locally in 2018, Alain Crozier, CEO of Microsoft in China, said. 微软中国总裁阿兰克罗泽表示,2018年微软计划...

  • 华为加入云存储混战

    17-04-14 Chinas Huawei - the largest telecommunications equipment company in the world - is launching a public cloud service. 中国华为,世界最大的电信设备生产公司,将上线公共云服务。 Thats according to Reuters, who report that the market is currently worth $...

  • 美国的研究者声称已经破解了百慕大三角之谜

    16-11-04 Researchers in the US claim they have discovered the answer to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. 美国的研究者声称已经破解了百慕大三角之谜。 Covering more than half a million square miles of ocean located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rica,...

  • human cloud 人才云

    16-06-03 Recent developments in cloud computing have seen the addition of the human element to the cloud and consequently the birth of the human cloud . 云计算的发展见证了云技术中人才因素的引入,由此导致了人才云的诞生。 The idea behind the human cloud is to...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 33

    16-03-17 Spring flew swiftly by, and summer came. If the village had been beautiful at first it was now in the full glow and luxuriance of its richness. The great trees, which had looked shrunken and bare in the earlier months, had now burst into strong life...