• 干细胞研究有助人类提高生活质量

    10-06-09 Stem cell research holds promise for improving the quality of human life ― especially embryonic(胚胎的) stem cells, which can potentially develop into any tissue in the human body. However, basic scientific problems still remain unresolved but Te...

  • 研究人员发现前所未知的DNA甲基化模式

    10-06-03 A previously unknown pattern in DNA methylation(甲基化) - an event that affects cell function by altering gene expression has been uncovered for the first time by stem cell researchers at UCLA, a finding that could have implications(含意,启示)...

  • 研究人员发现可调节细胞生长的激酶

    10-06-01 Scientists at the University of California, San Diego have identified a previously unknown kinase(激酶,致活酶) that regulates cell proliferation(增殖,扩散) , shape and migration, and may play a major role in the progression or metastasis(转移...

  • 人造基因组细胞问世

    10-05-21 Scientists have developed the first cell controlled by a synthetic(合成的,人造的) genome. They now hope to use this method to probe the basic machinery of life and to engineer bacteria specially designed to solve environmental or energy problems....

  • 青蛙首次基因组定序成功

    10-04-30 A team of scientists led by the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute (JGI) and the University of California, Berkeley, is publishing this week the first genome sequence of an amphibian(两栖动物) , the African clawed(有爪或螯的) frog Xen...

  • 免疫细胞疗法或对头颈部癌症治疗有奇效

    10-04-27 Levels of a key type of immune cell are higher in head and neck cancer patients whose tumors are linked to the human papillomavirus(乳头瘤病毒) , or HPV, according to researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. The findi...

  • 微型植入式传感器可全程监视疾病发展情况

    10-03-29 Tiny chemical sensors implanted into patients could help diagnose disease and track its progress, following a development by scientists. Researchers have developed tiny probes comprising gold-coated particles. These can be inserted into cells, enabl...

  • 科学家发现“组织再生基因”

    10-03-16 A quest that began over a decade ago with a chance observation has reached a milestone: the identification of a gene that may regulate(调节,规定) regeneration in mammals(哺乳动物) . The absence of this single gene, called p21, confers a healing...

  • 研究人员绘制出子弹头状病毒的3D模型

    10-02-10 Vesicular stomatitis(水泡性口炎) virus, or VSV, has long been a model system for studying and understanding the life cycle of negative-strand RNA viruses, which include viruses that cause influenza, measles(麻疹) and rabies(狂犬病) . More impo...

  • 子细胞将受损蛋白质传回母细胞以保持活力

    10-02-02 Understanding how aged and damaged mother cells manage to form new and undamaged daughter cells is one of the toughest riddles谜语 of ageing, but scientists now know how yeast cells酵母细胞 do it. In a groundbreaking开创性的 study researchers from t...