• 科学家发现可保护大脑的蛋白质

    11-05-24 Johns Hopkins scientists say that a newly discovered survival protein protects the brain against the effects of stroke in rodent brain tissue by interfering with a particular kind of cell death that's also implicated in complications from diabetes a...

  • 蓝莓可抑制脂肪细胞生长

    11-04-11 The benefits of blueberry consumption have been demonstrated in several nutrition studies, more specifically the cardio-protective benefits derived from their high polyphenol(多元酚) content. Blueberries have shown potential to have a positive eff...

  • 密歇根大学研制出抗癌新药AT-406

    11-03-30 Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a new drug called AT-406 with potential to treat multiple types of cancer. A study, published this week in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, showed that AT-406 ef...

  • 干细胞疗法或对多发性硬化有疗效

    11-03-22 A long term study reports about the effectiveness of replacing bone marrow, purposely destroyed by chemotherapy(化学疗法) , with autologous(自体的) (self) stem cell rescue for people with aggressive forms of multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化) (MS)...

  • 细胞群可调节人体免疫反应

    11-03-07 Scientists from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute have identified the key immune cell population responsible for regulating the body's immune response. The finding could have wide-ranging repercussions(反响,影响) for the treatment of autoimmune...

  • 科学家发现控制基因表达新方法

    11-03-06 Dr. David Levin, Professor of Molecular Cell Biology at Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and Professor of Microbiology at Boston University School of Medicine discovered recently a novel, evolutionarily conserved mechanis...

  • 风湿病新药Fostamatinib安全但疗效不显著

    11-01-28 In a previous study, rheumatoid arthritis ( RA风湿性关节炎) patients who failed to respond to methotrexate(甲氨蝶呤) were shown to experience positive results with fostamatinib disodium (R788), an oral spleen tyrosine kinase ( Syk酪氨酸激酶 ) inhi...

  • 细胞死亡与线粒体融合相关

    11-01-25 New research led by UC Davis scientists provides insight into why some body organs are more susceptible to cell death than others and could eventually lead to advances in treating or preventing heart attack or stroke. In a paper published Jan. 21 in...

  • 胰腺癌基因讯息途径被揭开

    11-01-20 The National Cancer Institute estimates that more than 43,000 Americans were diagnosed with pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer last year and more than 36,000 died from the disease. Despite advances in genetic science showing that the Ras oncogene(致癌基因...

  • 黄体酮会增加女性患乳腺癌风险

    11-01-19 Researchers have identified how the hormones progesterone(黄体酮,孕酮) and estrogen(雌性激素) interact to increase cell growth in normal mammary(乳腺的) cells and mammary cancers, a novel finding that may explain why postmenopausal(绝经后的...