• 卡梅伦与明星金·卡戴珊有亲属关系

    15-04-06 David Cameron has revealed he is related to the reality TV star Kim Kardashian. 戴维卡梅伦日前透露,他与电视真人秀明星金卡戴珊有亲属关系。 The Prime Minister said he was the thirteenth cousin of the US celebrity, who is married to rapper Kanye West....

  • 名人八卦会刺激大脑的愉快中枢

    15-02-23 If you feel a pang of guilty pleasure when you read celebrity tittle-tattle, don't be too hard on yourself. 要是你在看明星八卦时会感到一阵罪恶的快感,无需过分自责。 Hearing juicy gossip about famous people apparently fires up the brain's pleasure ce...

  • Z-list celebrity 末流明星

    14-05-21 A Z-list celebrity typically has no national following whatsoever. Usually, these are the entertainers who have achieved local fame, or have only starred in one thing in their acting career. They consider themselves to be a celebrity when they reall...

  • afterparty 典礼之后的小聚会

    14-03-06 Afterparty or after-party refers to a relaxed social gathering which occurs after a party, concert, or trip to a nightclub. Afterparty(也写作after-party)指参加完欢聚派对、音乐会或者去完夜店之后举行的一个气氛放松的社交聚会。 Around the middle of th...

  • celebrity worship syndrome 名人崇拜综合征

    12-12-18 Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal life. 名人崇拜综合征(celebrity worship syndrome)指一个人过度关注某位名人私生活细节而导致迷恋成...

  • 奥普拉告别脱口秀

    11-05-28 Oprah Winfrey wiped away tears as celebrity after celebrity surprised her during a farewell double-episode taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show that will precede her finale. 奥普拉近日录制了告别秀特别节目《奥普拉惊喜巨献》,分为两期,将在最后一期脱口秀...

  • 奥普拉获评世界上最具影响力的名人

    10-06-29 US TV host Oprah Winfrey has has been named the most powerful celebrity in the world by Forbes magazine. 《福布斯》杂志提名美国电视主持奥普拉温弗瑞为世界上最具影响力的名人。 Winfrey is launching her own TV channel next year Winfrey knocked film star...

  • 全球男人最理想的伴侣 加女星居首

    10-01-23 Canadian actress Emmanuelle Chriqui has topped an annual poll of the world's 99 most desirable women, with organizers saying her appeal was boosted by the fact that she does not feature heavily in celebrity magazines. 日前,一年一度全球最受男士青睐...

  • 演员Hamilton引领本年度《我是名人》选手阵容

    09-11-13 Veteran Hollywood actor George Hamilton and former glamour model Samantha Fox are among contestants in this year's I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! 好莱坞老牌演员乔治汉弥顿和前魅力模特萨曼塔福克斯将与众多选手一同参加本年度电视节目我是名人,让...

  • Celebrity crime writer Dunne dies 名人犯罪案件作家Dunne逝世

    09-08-28 Best-selling US writer Dominick Dunne has died aged 83 after losing his battle with bladder cancer, his actor son Griffin Dunne has confirmed. 美国畅销书作者Dominick Dunne的演员儿子Griffin Dunne证实道,Dunne在与膀胱癌的斗争中失利而逝世,享年83岁。 D...