• 猫在冬天进食量会增加

    14-05-29 Cats eat more during the winter and owners should give their pet more food during this time, University of Liverpool research has found. Researchers from the University's School of Veterinary Science, in collaboration with colleagues at the Royal Ca...

  • 养狗者勤奋 养猫者害羞 养兔者更富创造力

    14-03-21 研究发现,养狗者勤奋、起得早,而且通常都步入了婚姻;养猫者害羞、邋遢,且多为单身;养兔者更富创造力、闲散、爱开小差。研究称,养狗者和养兔者都自称起得早,而养猫者多为夜猫子。 In the war of the pets, dogs have won the latest battle - or at least their...

  • 巴西发现一种神奇野猫

    13-11-29 Researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on November 27 have identified a cryptic(神秘的) new species of wild cat living in Brazil. The discovery is a reminder of just how little scientists still know about the natural world...

  • 中国西藏出土一块最古老的猫科动物化石

    13-11-13 The oldest big cat fossils ever found - from a previously unknown species similar to a snow leopard - have been unearthed in the Himalayas. 喜马拉雅山地区一块最古老的猫科动物化石被发掘出土这是一种类似于雪豹的未知物种。 It is rare for such an ancient...

  • Herding cats 不可能完成的任务

    13-01-24 Herding cats is an idiomatic saying that refers to an attempt to control or organize a class of entities which are uncontrollable or chaotic. It implies a task that is extremely difficult or impossible to do, primarily due to chaotic factors. Herdin...

  • 生物学家拍摄到马来西亚巽达云豹

    12-12-11 One of the world's most rare and elusive cats, the Sunda clouded leopard of Malaysia, has been filmed up close. 世界上最珍惜、最罕见的一种猫科动物,马来西亚巽达云豹被近距离拍摄到。 A biologist holidaying in Malaysia has captured unique footage of a...

  • 养猫的女性更易患精神疾病

    12-07-07 最新一项研究发现,养猫的女性更容易患精神疾...

  • 密苏里大学发现致命猫病的治疗之法

    12-04-19 Lone Star ticks, which are notorious carriers of many diseases including cytauxzoonosis, or bobcat fever, have been spreading across the nation in recent years. As a result, cats across much of the country are now exposed to the deadly disease. Univ...

  • 休闲好去处 日本“猫咪时光”咖啡馆

    10-05-22 在日本大阪市心斋桥地区的美国村,有一家名为猫咪时光的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的诱人之处不是口感上佳的咖啡,而是一群不寻常的服务员猫。 The cafe, named Neko no Jikan, which can be translated as cats' time, is one of Japan's original cat cafes and is home to...

  • 猫狗宠物消耗的能源堪比汽车

    09-10-31 最近,两位新西兰建筑师在他们新近出版的书中表示,猫和狗这两种全世界最普遍的家养宠物每年所消耗的能源比一辆汽车还要多。这本书名为《是时候把狗给吃了:可持续生活指南》,作者在书中指出,养一只中型犬对生态环境带来的影响跟一辆4.6升的陆地巡洋舰一年行驶1万公...