• a dog's dinner 搞砸了

    22-06-24 1.A dogs dinner or dogs breakfast to make a mess. 搞砸了 例句:They made a real dogs dinner of the website. Its terrible. 他们把网站搞砸了。这可太糟了。 2. To fight like cats and dogs - to argue and fight with someone. 和某人争吵 例句:Its a miracle...

  • 中世纪的人对宠物有一些“独到”甚至奇葩的见解

    22-04-08 1. Feed your dog bread soaked in dirty water to keep it small. 不让狗变大的秘诀:把浸泡了脏水的面包喂给狗吃 Long before the days of designer dogs, people had some unusual methods of creating a pocket-sized pet. One 15th-century manuscript suggests a...

  • 10个关于动物的鲜为人知的事实

    22-03-24 1. Trained African giant pouched rats have found thousands of unexploded landmines and bombs. Researchers have also trained these rats to detect tuberculosis. And most recently they are training them to sniff out poached wildlife trophies being expo...

  • 猫咪超过狗狗 成为中国都市人最喜欢的宠物

    22-01-26 年纪轻轻,猫狗双全是许多当代年轻人的梦想,但他们在现阶段往往精力、财力有限,只能云养宠物或二者选一。那么是养猫还是养狗,这是个问题。对于生活在都市的人来说,他们可能更倾向于养猫。一项调查显示,猫咪已经超过狗狗,成为中国都市人最喜欢的宠物。 A new repo...

  • 猫发出的呼噜声可用于交流或自我疗愈

    21-09-06 养猫的人会发现在猫睡觉的时候,和人亲密互动的时候会发出呼噜呼噜(cat purr)的声音,听起来非常治愈。这是猫咪睡着了在打鼾吗? 很多时候猫发出呼噜呼噜声因为它觉得开心愉悦,和人待在一起很放松。 但除此之外,猫发出呼噜声还有其他的原因。 Research suggests th...

  • 研究:猫咪真的很爱主人

    21-08-12 猫咪通常被认为是比较独立的动物,大多数人认为猫很冷漠,过着相当孤独的生活,好像在它们眼里并没有主人这个概念,更不会对人有什么依恋性,但是,俄勒冈州立大学的一项研究发现,事实并非如此。 Cats have a rotten reputation as a cold and distant domesticated a...

  • 关于天气的趣味俚语

    21-01-15 1 Raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 Where are you going, cant you see its raining cats and dogs? Youll get soaked in a minute if you go out now. 你要去哪里,你看不到下着倾盆大雨吗?如果你现在出去的话,一分钟内你就会全身湿透的。 They didnt go to the the...

  • 猫咪为什么发出咕噜声?

    20-09-01 Weve all heard cats meow and hiss, but why do they purr? There are a number of theories out there - from the commonly held belief that they are simply happy, to British comedian Eddie Izzards light-hearted suggestion that they are impersonating a dr...

  • 看 过完年后的东北虎

    17-02-13 The images on Peoples Daily Online show some rather tubby Siberian tigers lolling around at a zoo in northeast Chinas Harbin. 这些照片来自人民网,照片上几只胖乎乎的东北虎懒洋洋地躺在中国东北的哈尔滨的一家动物园内。 Some social media users have joked...