• 环球唱片将发行专为喵星人创作的专辑

    16-10-04 An album of music composed specifically for cats is set to be released by a major record label. 一张专为喵星人创作的音乐专辑将由环球唱片公司发行。 David Teie, a scientist and cellist with Americas National Symphony Orchestra, has composed five combi...

  • 猫似乎懂一些物理定律

    16-06-16 Cats understand the principle of cause and effect as well as some elements of physics. Combining these abilities with their keen sense of hearing, they can predict where possible prey hides. These are the findings of researchers from Kyoto Universit...

  • 给自己的猫咪做个特朗普造型吧

    16-03-07 Internet pranksters have started posting photographs of cats which look like US presidential hopeful Donald Trump. 喜欢恶搞的网友们盯上美国总统候选人唐纳德特朗普(又译川普)了:给各自的猫咪做个特朗普造型,再把图片发到网上。 Cat owners have been post...

  • 喵星人表达“我爱你”的8种方式

    16-02-23 1. Head bumps and leg rubs Cats have scent glands concentrated on certain parts of their bodies, including their cheeks and heads. When your kitty rubs her head or face against you, she's marking you with her scent and claiming you as part of her fa...

  • 姑息养鼠

    15-08-12 A man in Yongzhou was afraid that doing things on certain days would bring misfortune. As he was born in the year of zi, and the rat was considered the deity of zi, he especially shielded it. He not only didn't keep cats and dogs, but also wouldn't...

  • The mouse 老鼠

    15-08-12 A philosophical mouse spoke loudly in praise of nature's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection. For, she said, one half of us is provided by her with wings, so that if all here below were killed by c...

  • 东氏养猫

    15-08-07 In ancient times, a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats. He kept over 100 cats in his home, which caught and ate all the rats in the house. Later, as there were no more rats, the cats were so hungry that...

  • 剑齿虎的犬齿需要多年时间才能长出

    15-07-06 New research shows that the fearsome teeth of the saber-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis fully emerged at a later age than those of modern big cats, but grew at a rate about double that of their living relatives. The findings, published today in the jou...

  • 养猫会增加主人失明的风险

    15-05-21 Keeping a pet cat puts owners at greater risk of going blind, but a dog appears to protect eyesight, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究表明,养猫会增加主人失明的风险,但是养狗却能保护主人的视力。 Scientists have discovered that dogs and cats carry a...

  • LOLcat 欢乐喵星人

    15-03-16 LOLcat refers to pictures of cats you find all over the Internet accompanied with funny captions, typically with misspellings and incorrect grammar. Its use in this way is known as lolspeak or kitty pidgin. 欢乐喵星人指,你在网上发现的那些标有搞笑文...